Monday, October 15, 2007

Caleb Tricks

So a few weeks ago, a guy at church asked us if Caleb still does this funny trick that he used to do. Chris and I completely forgot that he had ever done it!! We were talking about how we need to get stuff like that on video so we don't forget about it. So a few weeks ago, we sat down and took a bunch of video. Here are some random parts of it:

(Do you like how he puts his Elmo chair on the couch and creates a "throne" for himself? And the "don't you wish you had these" thing is him trying to show his muscles! :) He takes after his Uncle Kody and Uncle Joe with that one.)

Caleb LOVES to sing and dance and do the actions to songs. Here are a few of his favorite songs that he loves to do the actions to:

Here Caleb is showing some of the body parts he knows:

I know I've said it before lots of times, but this has to be the cutest age. Then again, I've thought that over and over and over again for 20 months. I'm not sure how it works exactly, but it just keeps getting cuter and more fun. At some point will I stop thinking that?


The Shirleys said...

How CUTE!! It just keeps getting better and better. Well, most of the time!

Jamie Smith said...

I was wondering the same question, is there some point when kids just stop being cute? I guess I will have to see when Eric hits his terrible two's.

Caleb was so cute! I loved his version of "Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam." It's good your recording cute things like this, because I was putting together all my video this year to make our 2007 fam video and it was weird to see all the things I forgot Eric even did.

Delia D'Nell said...

How adorable! Thank you for sharing!

Rachel said...

I swear, I could watch these over and over. It just doesn't seem right that he's almost 2 years old. Where has the time gone?

JoEllen said...

Caleb is so adorable!!! I love the muscle trick!!!