Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Few Injuries

We've had a few injuries at our house recently.

Caleb looks like his usual cute self...

...until he turns his head like this!

OUCH! Sadly it wasn't even the bike that did it. It happened while he was in his bed "taking a nap." Please note the quotation marks. I'm not sure if he did it while running his daily suicide sprints in his crib, or during his monkey antics trying to climb out of bed. All I know is he started crying pretty hard and that is how I found him. I guess it was time. After all, the huge goose egg he got from the living room table a couple days ago on his forehead was already healing to the point where you almost couldn't see it!

And then there's the tv.

No. No one puked on it, as it first appears. The picture frame on top of the tv fell and knocked over the candle that was lit and spilled wax all over. Apparently the ball that several people were playing with had nothing to do with it...hmmm.... Luckily, the tv was the only one injured. The outcome of surgery with a hot iron is still unknown. We'll keep you posted.

Then there is our deck that was injured by this (it's in the middle back by the fence):

Chris and I were minding our own business sitting in the kitchen chatting late the other night when Chris pointed out there was a SKUNK only a couple feet from me on the other side of our patio doors. Anyone that knows me well, knows this is NOT ok! We tried not to make any sudden moves to startle it, but then we smelled it seeping into our house. SICK!! And my wanna-be-national-geographic-photographer husband decided it would be fun to go outside and take pictures. What a nut! As he was taking a picture of one, suddenly another popped out ready to spray. Chris went running. I think he made it just in time. It didn't smell too bad inside the next day, and neither Jed nor Rachel nor Nolan commented on a skunk smell in our house (or were they just being nice?!?) So hopefully our deck and patio are off the injury list and past the danger smell point, although to be honest, I didn't go out and sniff. And for the Curtis Family, I think we found Ben the pet skunks he wanted. Feel free to pick them up anytime!!


Hillery said...

We saw a skunk in our backyard last month! Andy and I just sat still, praying he didn't spray. Luckily it didn't!

JoEllen said...

Caleb is darling, even if he is a little beat up! While we were out walking the dog the other day, a skunk followed us! Jazmin was freaking out and I thought for sure we would all get sprayed. Luckily, it crossed the road and we ran home stink free!

Michelle Cox said...

Poor Caleb! Kids are always getting hurt somehow!

As for skunks, we learned (the hard way) that the only really effective way to get rid of skunk smell is not to wash the affected area with soap and water, but to spray it with hydrogen peroxide. I'm not sure if it would bleach wood, but it reacts with the chemicals in the skunk spray and destroys it. It worked on our car -- after we'd spent ten bucks of quarters at the car wash and finally went home to research it on the internet.

The Shirleys said...

Oh! Caleb looks like he would fit in well at our house. We have a few of those kind of marks on some of our heads. I can't believe you had not one but two skunks! I hope it didn't get the deck too bad. Yuck!!!

Kat Curtis said...

Sweet! We'll be right there to pick them up! Just kidding. :) Jeremy wants to know if they've been spayed or neutered. And yes, Ben still does want a nice little skunk pet. Keep us posted if they wander in again!!