Monday, April 21, 2008

Houston Fun

This weekend we headed to Houston for some fun!

Friday night we hit an Astros game. Here is a video of some of our fun!

They lost big time. But that's ok. They're not my team. :) We even ran into the Davis clan! What are the chances? So fun to see them there!

Here Chris and Caleb are posing with a couple guys from the team:

Saturday we found some time for swimming. Here is Caleb chillin' poolside!

The water was surprising cold. But Caleb refused to admit it even though he was totally shivering the whole time. If you watch closely, you can see him shivering. Must not let that stop the fun, though, right?!?

Caleb loves to jump in the water--we didn't get a very good one on video, but you get the idea. We have a little fish on our hands. He LOVES the water! You can see that he also loves to say cheese and smile for the camera! :)

We were planning to hit the Aquarium, but we spent so much time at IKEA that we ran out of time! Man, that store is too much fun. Luckily, (or unluckily?) our car was already full, so we didn't get to buy much. Just a couple smaller things, like this rug for Caleb's play area where he can drive his cars. He's done it nonstop since we've been home!

(And, yes, in case you're wondering, he's moved on to his sun hat--he now has to wear that one everywhere we go. Even if it doesn't come close to matching what he is wearing. And at naptime too.)

Then Saturday night we went to see our favorite comedian of all time, BRIAN REGAN! It was so awesome!! He's totally clean and totally funny! A fun night also made better by running into Paul and Jamie who were there also! It was fun to see you guys again! Anyway, we weren't allowed to take pictures or video, but here are a couple funny clips from online :


Rachelle said...

Thanks for the laugh. I love Brian Regen. Not to often that you can find someone so funny AND so clean.

JoEllen said...

Seriously - we miss you guys! Look at all the fun stuff you have done without us. That is not fair! I love the ball game video. You guys are getting so cute and creative with your little videos! I love Caleb eating his Cracker Jacks and just jamming out. I can't believe there were fireworks! Seriously, fun!!

The Shirleys said...

I love it! That guy is too funny.

What are the odds of running into so many people you know in one weekend?! (When you weren't even at home.)

{Lindsey} said...

Sounds like you guys had a great weekend. How fun for you all. Baseball games are the best aren't they...hotdogs, sodas, churros it's all good!

Jamie Smith said...

I love the post! It was so great running into you guys too! Looks like y'all had more fun then we did!

Kat Curtis said...

Hooray! Some of our friends had us over to watch the full video of the Brian Regan that you posted - too funny. That's awesome that you got to see him live. I bet that was a blast!