Tuesday, October 14, 2008

His Little Prayer

I anticipated that becoming a dad would afford some tender and life changing moments as our young ones learn and grow. Some of those events have taken place, such as the first step, the first word, and the first NBA basketball game. Some of these events are yet to come – Baptism, receiving the Priesthood, and seeing the Cubs win the World Series (sorry, bud – not this year).

For a dad who is eager to see his little buddy grow strong in his testimony of his Divine nature, one of these moments occurred this afternoon. After saying a prayer and while eating lunch, Caleb spontaneously bowed his head, closed his eyes, folded his little hands and offered another prayer, including the proper address, content, and closing. My heart leapt, and we again realized why we are so grateful for such an amazing little man and for his example.

Love you, Caleb!



JoEllen said...

Little Sal has just started coying some of the words from our prayers. I LOVE it! Good job mom and dad for setting such a good example.

Scott B. said...

Chris Dial. What is up. It's been years.