Monday, March 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Hmmm...can't seem to find any pictures. Perhaps I didn't take many? The boys did get matching pjs.

(I thought this picture was funny and happened to show their Valentine's pjs. :) They're both holding their cup the same way and reading their books. :)

And then there is that awesome sister of mine. Everyone should have one that is so awesome. She made the boys some Valentine's pillowcases and then later sent a Valentine's package. She is queen of the packages. There were so many cool things in there. I wanted to steal some of them for myself! The boys were seriously giddy and dancing around when they saw the pillowcases! They love holidays and they LOVE those pillowcases!!!! They are always excited to get a package from aunt Nyn! Unfortunately, I didn't turn on the video camera until they settled down enough to open it. They were running around all giddy and excited just before this. So all you get to see is the tail end...but you get the idea!

And as if that wasn't enough...Chris has the sweetest and most thoughtful co-worker who also sent home valentine packages. They were in hEaVeN!

Anyway, we made our usual heart shaped sugar cookies. It was especially fun this year because we made them on Sunday when Chris was home. It was so fun to have him help us decorate them too and the boys had so much fun with him!!!

This year we snuck over to Chris's work and put hearts all over inside his car. Caleb worked hard all morning (and Carson for about 2 minutes :) drawing on the hearts and writing little notes to him. It was fun. That is, it was fun once we circled around and around and around the parking garage where he was parked trying to find the car! was a fun day and we love our holidays!

1 comment:

The Shirleys said...

You guys have the best ideas for holidays! Love it!!