Thursday, August 4, 2011

Utah Trip 2011!

We did it. We packed up the car and DROVE to Utah! We drove straight through. 24 hours. Even slept in the car.

And the drive was actually awesome! There were zero tears and only happy boys! And others doing anything to keep themselves from getting tired!

Chris's family was nice enough to drive down for our first weekend from a couple different places. We went to Thanksgiving Point, saw Cars 2, ate at the Mayan, went to church at Temple Square and visited the sites and just had a great time catching up and spending time together.

(vacation=only cat naps for Carson!)

(We got quite the looks...but Carson wheeled that thing all the way to the car by himself)

Caleb and Carson's favorite site seeing?

The drain outside temple square. :)

Papa Rick (Chris's dad) and Grandma Sheila came down and went to the zoo with us one day:

See? Proof that Papa Rick was there.

(We only have one picture with Papa Rick and it's the back of him? What can I say...I have mad photo taking skills! Sigh)

Oh that Papa Rick. He spoiled us with ice cream too.

And wouldn't you know it? It was our lucky day. They had dinosaur exhibits all over the zoo.

Caleb's favorite was definitely the dinosaur that watched you as you walk and then spits on you. Carson's favorite exhibit was the elephant that sounded like it was going to sneeze and then sprayed water on you. He still imitates it in fact. He also liked petting the animals:

We were also able to have lunch with my two aunts Jan and Joy and two of my cousins Kylor and Brandi. So fun to catch up with them! And we got to swim with Deonne and family and my cousins! It was too short, but fun as always!

We also caught up with the famous Giani Mob. And we even rode a train! Yes a train to a baseball game! Two favorite things! (Boys loved that! Thanks, guys!)

Hmmm...come to think of it...we waited fOrEvEr in line to ride a train within the ballpark too. :) But the boys all entertained themselves by rolling and somersaulting down the big hill. :) The boys also had a good time on the big inflatable slide and playground and stuff.

The rest of the pictures seem to be MIA. But maybe I will find them soon and upload them. Trying to keep you in suspense. But always a good time with the Giani Mob! Thanks, guys!

Towards the end of the week, my family started to come into town. Oh how I love and miss my crazy family! We had the Great Race to see who was going to have to take over the master bedroom. Kip and Bridget were close to losing

But Kerry and family lost. ;)

You would have to understand my family to understand all that...but just go with it! :) Perhaps I will be in trouble for putting a couple of those pictures on this blog...but I just couldn't resist! :)

We played lots of games including (as Kerry? or Kody? said) the Biggest Game of Idiot Ever (TM)

We swam, we played foosball and ping pong, we had yummy treats, watched the Provo fireworks on the fourth, went to the temple with 5 of the 6 siblings, went to a movie, had fun activities for kids, and just all around enjoyed being with each other.

This whole time we stayed with my brother Kody and his family in Lehi. Did I mention I'm moving in permanently? They truly have the party house! And we miss swimming every day.

Sigh. I miss everyone already.

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

Thanks for making us a part of your trip!!