Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mac 'N Cheese Cheerio Tacos

Caleb decided to dress up his taco the other night with leftover mac n cheese and multi-grain cheerios. (Ok, I admit it...so I'm still not feeling great and both were my leftovers still sitting on the table from earlier that day.) He actually ate most of it and kept trying to convince us that we wanted some on our tacos too. He is a lot of fun and keeps us entertained.

As a follow up to the whole sleeping thing, Caleb has switched to a toddler bed and has done AWESOME! The first night before we were really prepared to do anything he was up about 4000 times. So the next night we tried a child lock thing on the inside of his door. He cried for about two minutes during which time I felt like the worst person alive. But then he got in his bed and went to sleep and has been going right to sleep every night since then for the whole night. What a sweet boy. He always amazes us with how good he really is. I feel like we avoided yet another messy time with him. He spoils us! I love that boy!

On a completely unrelated topic, we're sad the olympics are over. It's so much fun to watch! Caleb enjoyed them too. Every time the olympic theme music came on (as in every time it went to a commercial and came back), Caleb would shout, "Dance with me!" and rock out to the music. Not sure how that started, but it was really funny. Too bad I forgot to get it on video. The last time we went swimming, Caleb would put his hands over his head just like they do on tv and jump in the water. Good times. On the other hand, I'm also kind of glad they are over so I can sleep again.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, we are so totally enjoying having Chris around in the evenings again! Yahoo!


JoEllen said...

I too am sad the Olympics are over. I miss catching up on what went on while I was sleeping. I love all the behind the scenes stories about the athletes.

I'm so excited that your transition to big boy bed went smoothly! Awesome!

Chelsea said...

Yum, that looks so appetizing

The Shirleys said...

We feel so bad about Calebs legs. We definately don't miss Fire Ants! Congrats on baby #2. We are so excited for you!

Way to go Caleb! It feels so good when you can put them to bed in a really bed and have them stay. I am glad the child lock works. We put up a gate so that Bradley could see out, but not get out. He did much better with that.

Unknown said...

OK...the mac and cheese and cheerios tacos are just nasty...just nasty!! LOL...that kid is a riot.... "So you put on makeup to look pretty...ohhhh!"