Monday, May 12, 2008

Four Times the Fun

Lots of fun at our house lately.

First of all, Caleb and Chris went to their first father/son campout on Friday night. Tilane was nice enough to have some of the girls over to her house and we had lots of fun! Thanks, Tilane! Chris and Caleb had lots of fun too. But, alas, in true Caleb form, he would not go to sleep. About 12:30a.m. when Caleb was still completely wired and keeping everyone else from sleeping, they packed up and came home. (Poor Chris was way tired too since he had worked on Wednesday night until 1:30a.m. and Thursday night until 5:30a.m. and back at work by 7 or 8a.m.--he is a crazy working man these days!) Thanks to the Snells for sharing your tent and letting Caleb keep you awake half the night and to Stephen for joining in the fun!

Secondly, Saturday was commencement for Chris. He will be finished with his MBA in August, but they had him walk early since they don't have a commencement ceremony after summer semester. We are VERY PROUD of Chris and all his hard work and the achievement of a SECOND masters degree. More proof that he is a crazy man, huh?!? One more semester! Yahoo! My favorite part of commencement was at the very end when a Mariachi Band came out to play the processional for the graduates to leave the building. Everyone went CRAZY! Only in Texas.

Thirdly, we had an awesome mothers day. No pictures, but lots of love and gifts. And thank you to the Weatherholtz Family who once again had us over for an awesome dinner and tons of fun. I think this was really one of the first mothers days that I was truly just happy for the time I did have with my mom before she passed away, for the legacy she left, for the other "moms" I've had in my life, and for the opportunity I have now to be a mom-- instead of sad for the time I didn't get.

Fourthly, and the best yet, we get to have the famous ones-- Kip D (my brother) and Bridget (his wife)-- stay with us for the summer. They arrived on Saturday. Kip is in law school and got an awesome internship here for the summer. Bridget will hopefully get a sweet summer job too--so if you know of any sweet jobs for an awesome almost finished english major, let us know!! Kip and Bridget are so much fun and we love hanging out with them. Caleb can't get enough of them! The first words out of his mouth this morning were not hi mom, or love you mom, or good morning. Nope. His first words were"Bibetts?" "Dip?" (his version of their names). We are looking forward to a very fun summer! This is an old picture, but it works, right?

(later I will have to do a post on the many sarcastic faces of Kip D. He refuses to just smile for the camera. Ever.)


THE ORMES said...

Camping with Caleb sounds like camping with Taylor and Payden. I just held Payden close to me (she didn't like it too much at first) and she FINALLY fell asleep. With Payden and everyone else quiet, Taylor finally went to sleep, but boy was everyone tired the next day (and the day after and the day after). We're not too sure when we're brave enough to try the camping thing again . . .

Congrats to Chris!!!!! That seemed to fly by quickly (probably because Tom is STILL working on his graduate degree and he started before Chris). Anyways, that's so exciting, and I'm sure you're excited for it to be over with. Way to go!!!

JoEllen said...

Congrats Dial family on graduation! How exciting! I can't believe that Chris is working those crazy hours! I wouldn't be able to function. I seriously need a lot more sleep than that. Good for him for trying the camping thing. Maybe next time Caleb with just collapse with exhaustion. How late did he sleep in the next day? We miss you guys!

Anna said...

That's a bummer about the campout, but at least you had fun at Tilane's. Congrats to Chris, what an amazing accomplishment!!!

Kat Curtis said...

Congratulations on graduating!! I love that they had a mariachi band - it at least makes it a little more fun. Maybe you can have a little more time after August (although it seems like when one thing goes, something else always comes up). You guys are great!! :)

The Shirleys said...

Congrats Chris!! All that hard work is paying off. I love the grad. pictures with caleb. What handsome guys!

We have experienced camping trips simular to that. Aren't kids great!? We hope you have a great summer and enjoy your extra entertainment. :)

Carolyn Hanson said...

Congratulations, Chris! Funny story about Caleb camping.:) And thanks for your sweet words, Krista, about Mother's Day. You guys are such a GREAT family!

Jamie Smith said...

Congrats on graduating Chris!!! I didn't realize you were so smart! 2 Masters! Wow!!! What are you going to do with so much knowledge!

I'm so glad you had a good Mother's Day Krista! You deserve it!