Friday, July 18, 2008


Last weekend we went to Seaworld in the evening so we could see the different shows they have going on at night. After a couple shows we had to stop and feed the flamingos and ducks. Then there was a little band that came out to play and Caleb ran over and sat down by them. He didn't sit long though...who can sit when you can dance along? So even though it was getting late, he was having so much fun that we stayed until the band finished. And then we turned around to get our stroller and it was GONE! LAME!! I was sooooo bummed!

I asked one of the workers where to go if a stroller turns up and she said to just talk the customer services at the front. I was walking through the park thinking about how many times I had left my stroller at Seaworld in various places as they don't let you take it into the shows and how I've never had a problem before. I was also thinking about how expensive that stroller was and how often I used it! I used it to go on walks, to the zoo, Seaworld, the mall...pretty much EVERYWHERE. We got to the front and they told us that no strollers had been turned in and that we could check back the next day if we wanted to. Um, yes, I wanted to. As we were busy doing that, my brother and sister-in-law happened to ask a security guard who happened to know that they just located a stroller. There was another family there who were trying to claim it though. But it happened to be our stroller and we happened to leave a receipt in it with our names on it! YIPEE!! So we got our stroller back! Apparently the stroller had been "left unattended for quite some time" so the security guard took it. Hmmm...aren't strollers left unattended all the time at Seaworld? Like for each and every show all day every day? But whatever. I'm just glad to have it back. :)


JoEllen said...

That is way lame! I would have been in panic mode! I always feel nervous leaving my stroller outside of the shows and stuff because you are leaving it "unattended for a length of time." We once were headed back to get our stroller and someone was riffling around in the basket! It only had plastic bags and empty lunch stuff in it, but still! Who does that? I'm glad you were able to get it back. I wonder how they would have decided who to give it to if your name hadn't been on that receipt!?

Jami Black said...

Thank goodness and good to know. I too leave our stroller unattended A LOT at that place-as i thought everyone did but I will have to be more careful. I am so glad you got it back-what a scare!

Jamie Smith said...

Wow, that is Lame! I'm always afraid that is going to happen to me at Wal-Mart. I'm always leaving it unattended as I go down different aisles or chase after Eric. I just can't believe they took it at sea world. Sometimes the security guards I think get a little to anxious to do something. They have kind of a very boring job.

Michelle Cox said...

I'm glad there was a happy ending to the stroller caper. I was really surprised that someone would steal it! Maybe you shouldn't get such expensive rims for it, those types that spin when you're not moving...

Did you happen to read my blog post about the backpack I accidentally left at Security in the airport? And it was right before boarding a 9-HOUR flight and they would NOT give it back to me because it had been "abandoned" -- never mind that it was stuffed with diapers, baby food, snacks, formula, bottles, sippie cups and baby clothes!!! AH! And that story only had a happy ending because people on the plane were so compassionate to me -- I was in tears -- so Benjamin survived.