Saturday, February 14, 2009

Negotiations with a 31-year Old

Chris may be quite the negotiator (see his last post), but Caleb won't be out done. He has learned the fine art of negotiations at an early age.

We are lucky enough to live about two miles from where Chris works. So he is able to come home for lunch quite often. But when he comes home, Caleb isn't always ready for him to go back to work!

Here is Caleb trying to convince his dad to not go back to work and instead to watch a movie with him.

Not sure what is up with the slapping of his chest. All I know is that I was dying of laughter and had to grab the camera.

So, Caleb started by piling all the shoes that were by the front door onto Chris's lap. I guess figuring that he wouldn't be able to leave with all those shoes on his lap? Then he put the crazy sombrero on his head. After all, who would leave the house with that thing on their head? Then he added a blanket on top of the shoes for good measure. He then resorted to climbing on the red bucket to plead his case, giving such excuses as, "It's too cold outside.... Stay home and sit on the couch and watch a movie. Alright?!?" (As a side note--"cold outside" is 65 degrees--Caleb definitely takes after me as far as temperatures are concerned!)

You have to give him points for creativity and effort.

So who won this negotiation?

What's that? Is that Caleb sitting on Chris's lap with a movie on in the background?!?!

How did he end up convincing him? He flipped on the movie and sat on his lap. Chris got distracted and started watching with him. Ok, so it only worked for like 10 minutes...but all his efforts still got results. :)

(This part TMI--if you're wondering why Caleb is in his birthday suit...well.... We don't usually let him run around like that. But when he needs to go #2, he strips down to absolutely nothing and then he'll go in the bathroom and do his business. Drives me nuts sometimes when I'm trying to hurry. But I guess I shouldn't complain! At least he does his business IN the potty!)


Kat Curtis said...

That is so funny. I mean, really, I wouldn't leave the house with a sombrero on, or a huge stack of shoes in my lap! What a great little guy that Caleb is! :)

THE ORMES said...

He is hilarious!!! I love kid reasoning . . . it never makes sense to us, but perfect sense to them. What a cute boy!!

JoEllen said...

This is the funniest thing! Way better than Caleb giving himself spankings. He will make a good lawyer someday. He has me convinced that 65 degrees is cold! Who wouldn't rather snuggle on the couch and watch Indiana Jones? Awesome!

Chris said...

Come on, now...the spanking thing was funny! True, this is less scripted. I mean, who would strip a kid to his skibbies, prop him up on a red bucket, and tell him that dad should stay home because it is a blustery 65 degrees outside? What's more, we're busted with the picture of the result...what a good negotiator Caleb is!

The Shirleys said...

Way to teach him while he is young!! We are going to have to try some of his methods to get our Dad to stay home.

Who can blame Chris... I mean when it comes to work of Indiana Jones?!


Unknown said...

OK...that kid didn't fall far from the Dial tree! LOL...he is so funny and I miss him (and you guys) so much. That is the funniest thing...way funnier than Big Bang Theory (although that Sheldon is a riot!). I love keeping up with you guys via your blog...thanks for being so good with it.

Heidi said...

What a little stud! Makes us want to come and visit. Caleb is such a smart kid, with great ideas! Love it, I think he has dad totally conviced!!!

Heidi said...

What a little stud! Makes us want to come and visit. Caleb is such a smart kid, with great ideas! Love it, I think he has dad totally conviced!!!

Daisy said...

You guys are crazy (in a very good way)! Your baby is so adorable, and Caleb is so cute with him. The one picture looks like Caleb is holding a rolled taco.

Congrats on the new addition!

Love you guys, Daisy