Thursday, May 21, 2009

An Awesome Day

Today was such an awesome day. For the last four months (and several months of the pregnancy before that) we've been trying to find out what is going on with Carson's kidneys. We finally got some answers today and we feel like it is such a miracle.

We took Carson to the hospital for a VCUG today. Sweet boy didn't even cry. I've been dreading it and Carson made it look easy. Carson doesn't have any reflux (urine going back into his kidneys). They think the muscles are not strong yet and so they're being lazy. So the kidneys fill up with urine to capacity and then the muscles finally contract it out--thus causing his kidneys and the funnel to be enlarged. But the kidney specialist did not think it was a big deal and that he will just outgrow it as those muscles get stronger and contract the way they are supposed to. So for now, unless anything else develops, we just watch it. We'll go back for another ultrasound when he is eight months. I even got to take him off the daily antibiotic he was on which was causing some vomiting and lots of diarrhea. Overall, I am sooooooo excited and soooooo relieved!!!!!

As a disclaimer, she did say that it is still possible that the enlargement is because his kidneys are obstructed (different than reflux), which would be bad. But all signs point to that not being the case. Both kidneys would have to be obstructed, which is fairly rare. And they would have to be obstructed about the same amount because his kidneys are both growing at the same rate. That kind of obstruction is even more rare.

This stuff and some other stuff have made for kind of a crazy week. I'm not ready to go into detail on a public blog yet. But suffice it to say that we have seen miracle after miracle after miracle and that we feel truly blessed. Good things have come and are still coming for the Dial Family. I can feel it! :)


Janet said...

That is such wonderful news! I'm glad to hear that it is not serious--but I'm sure you're even more glad :)

The Shirleys said...

I am so glad to hear that it is something he will probably grow out of. He is such a cute little guy!

THE ORMES said...

YAY!!!! We're so glad, and that picture of the two of them is adorable!!!!

Kat Curtis said...

I am so glad to hear everything is okay. I know I already said that on Facebook, but it was nice reading the details. What a darling little boy too!! I'm glad that you have been able to see the Lord's hand working in your life. You are good people, and I hope the good things keep on coming! :)

Kaylyn said...

I'm so happy for you, and can't wait to see what other good things come your way!

Rachel said...

It's so good to hear good news about Carson. The Dials have been in our prayers.

On a side note, so is almost out so we need to plan some play dates.

Heidi said...

What a miracle! I am so relieved as well. It is so hard when your worried about your little one. But, now you can do less worrying and a lot more lovin'! What a blessing...