Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Happy Baby

Well, we took Carson to the kidney specialist yesterday. The doctor told us that one of three things is causing his kidneys to be enlarged that I'll sum up as ok, worse, and very bad. Or something like that. She was encouraged about a few good signs though. I'll spare you all the medical terms and details, but the bottom line is that we are going for more testing next week to see if we can narrow it down. Carson will have a VCUG next Thursday. Basically that is a test where they use a fun catheter and fill his bladder full of fun stuff and use x-rays to see how much of it goes back into his kidneys. Let me tell you--I'm so looking forward to that fun test! After we get the results, we can go from there. Meanwhile, he is on a daily antibiotic to make sure that any urine flushing back into his kidneys is not infected as that would be bad.

Poor Carson. He is just such a happy go lucky, smiling, giggling, talking kid lately. He just doesn't know what's coming! Here is a video of our fun boy from a few weeks ago (that I've been meaning to post for awhile. Better now than never, right?!?)

The kid seriously loves to talk. He'll talk to his blanket, his toys, his brother. It doesn't really matter. If he is awake, he is babbling and giggling and we LOVE IT!


THE ORMES said...

What a cutie!!!!! I'm so sorry about his health problem. It is NOT fun having to put them through all that (I know all too well). Hopefully they'll be able to get it figured out soon and get him to normal. Poor baby!!!

Let me know if you need me to watch Caleb. We'd love to have him over.

Just in case you need it - Dr. Smith's is THE BEST diaper rash ointment (my kiddos always got blazin' red bums when on certain antibiotics). It is the only one that doesn't hurt them when their bums are really, really bad. Hopefully he won't need it!

Hope all goes well!!!!

Janet said...

Your boys are so cute! I hope that things go better than expected at the doctor's next week.

JoEllen said...

Those VCUGs are way not fun. I did a rotation at Primary Children's in SLC when I was in x-ray school. BUT the techs and the doctors are so good about making it as quick as possible to get you in and out. It'll be a piece of cake! Good luck. Hopefully, it'll help narrow down Carson's problems so he can be on the mend.

I love giggling babies. They're too darn cute. He has a lot to say! I love that Caleb says "where's your blanket? Oh, here it is!" as if he's discovered America. It's too funny!

We miss you guys!!

JoEllen said...

Those VCUGs are way not fun. I did a rotation at Primary Children's in SLC when I was in x-ray school. BUT the techs and the doctors are so good about making it as quick as possible to get you in and out. It'll be a piece of cake! Good luck. Hopefully, it'll help narrow down Carson's problems so he can be on the mend.

I love giggling babies. They're too darn cute. He has a lot to say! I love that Caleb says "where's your blanket? Oh, here it is!" as if he's discovered America. It's too funny!

We miss you guys!!