Monday, July 20, 2009

Action and Conversation

Some of this action:

If you see footprints on our ceiling, you'll know why!

Lots of this action:

Have I mentioned this is one happy boy who loves to smile and laugh?!?

A first time for this action:

This is the first time ever that Caleb has been asleep at the table. Sundays are apparently tiring days, huh? Caleb fell asleep on the way home from church and we tried to wake him up to come eat dinner. He really wasn't interested.

Way too much of this action:

We are entering the days of Caleb wanting to pick out his own stuff to wear. Heaven help us.

And finally, some of this action:

Remember the video of Caleb impersonating Shamu? This is Shamu Part Two. Caleb is so excited to have someone else willing to splash like Shamu with him. On camera.

And then there are my favorite recent conversations with Caleb:

Caleb: Mom, please go get me some applesauce
Me: (still trying to wake up and being a little sarcastic --mostly a haha for me and Chris): You know where the fridge is....
Caleb: Yeah, it's downstairs. Now please go get me some applesauce.

Me: Caleb, please keep your head on your pillow so I don't have to shut your door, ok?
Caleb: But mom (getting out of bed with his pillow being held to the side of his head), my head IS on my pillow.

Caleb: Mom, is this a pan to mix ice cream or a hat for my head?


The Blaisdell Family said...

love the Caleb-isms down at the bottom, very funny! And oh that baby of yours is a cutie!! So glad Caleb has a brother, I think he will always be a good big brother to him!

JoEllen said...

Love the Shamu impersonation. Carson is a natural! :)

The Shirleys said...

I just love conversations like that! Caleb is way too smart.

The boys love the Shamu video, they kept saying, "Let's watch it agin."