Friday, July 30, 2010


Maybe...just maybe...I have had a permanent grin on my face since Sunday.

Maybe Chris was released from being first counselor in the bishopric at church. (For those not down with this lingo--I've been told by my friends of other faiths that it might be compared to an assistant pastor of sorts. Except it's all volunteer and unpaid.) So maybe...just maybe...a lot of his time has been freed up and we have certainly enjoyed him being home a bit more!

And maybe I sat and giggled during church when Chris came and sat with us and the boys wanted absolutely nothing to do with me and were all over Chris during the meeting.

Here's Caleb showing us how excited he is by showing us the bull:

And sporting women's sunglasses

(Thanks for dressing my son in these fancy sunglasses, Aubrey--and taking a picture--but this looks suspiciously like it was during church--hmmmm.... :)

And Carson was so excited, he was doing a mariachi song for us

And doing a happy dance on the table

Ok. Actually...that is where you can find him anytime I turn around for more than a second. Crazy kid!

All teasing aside though--Chris really enjoyed serving in the Bishopric. I know there will be plenty of other opportunities to serve, but he will definitely miss being able to serve in this capacity. He constantly amazes me with how hard he works. He was going to school full time finishing his second master's degree, working 60-70 hours and serving in the church full time and yet managed to make his family feel like the priority. Now he is finished with his MBA, usually working only about 40 hours a week, and has a break from church service. Hence our smiles! :)

And the second exciting reason I am maybe...just maybe...smiling a lot is because Carson started Nursery at church on Sunday. (Again, for those that are not down with the lingo--they have a class that kids start attending at church during the second and third hour when they turn 18 months.)

Ok. Not really! I'm not smiling that big about this yet. I can't believe my baby is 18 months old and I'm a little sad about it. Sniff sniff. Ok. A lot sad. And I think it makes it harder because he is having such a hard time with nursery so far. As in crying so hard he puked. This is a new adventure for us as Caleb walked into nursery like he owned the place! Any suggestions? Tips? Pointers?

And speaking of's to hoping that Chris is still smiling when I get back from girlcation!!! :) hehehehe.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Congratulations on your new freedom. Yeah. I am already counting down until Sam joins the nursery. (7 months and 5 days).