Monday, November 14, 2011

Family Pictures

We recently had family pictures taken by Jessica at Memora'belle Photography. Love her!!!! And love the pictures!! If you're looking for someone to take pictures, check out her site here! You even get a dvd with all the pictures and the rights to them so you can print whatever you want. Great deal!

Here are some of my favorites:

One of my favorites that shows how it really is...

Fun times!


JoEllen said...

It always bugs me when the photographers won't give you the rights to the pictures! Like I want to pay 50 bucks to have them print me an 8x12!

You're pictures turned out awesome! Love the boys kissing daddy and I LOVE the brother picture. So sweet!

The Shirleys said...

Your family pictures are so cute! I love the picture of the boys holding hands and cute!