Thursday, December 1, 2011


Last year for my birthday, Chris surprised me with a girlcation. He had talked with my sister and set up a little vacation for me. We had so much fun and decided we should do it annually and just meet up at a different place for a long weekend once a year.

This year's girlcation location was Cincinnati! My sister, Kaylyn and I met up in our old stomping grounds of Cincinnati for 3 glorious days. We didn't really take any pictures though. Could NOT find the camera before I left. Oh well.

It was so fun to see and visit so many people that we both knew and grew up with. And really-- just be together. We also went to Time Out for Women--which is a weekend conference of inspiring speakers and music. And of course, we had to eat at Larosas and Skyline and who knows where else.

Excuse me while I go wipe some drool off my face....

And I'm back. Oh yeah...and Red Fox! My dad used to take us there and we LOVED it! These pictures are for you, dad! :)

Another little break...more drool...sorry!

Unfortunately, on my way home, I made it as far as Chicago and then my flight got cancelled. So Chris had an extra day juggling work and home and boys and schedules. And I eventually made it home the next day. After waiting several hours where they delayed my flight every 10 minutes for just a few minutes later, and waiting in a long line to get my flight rebooked, and waiting in a line to get on a shuttle to the hotel they put us up in, and waiting in a line to check into said hotel...I was kind of done waiting. And I was anxious to get home and finish packing up our house because I thought we were moving in only a couple short days. But the only real damage done? Frost bite in the airport. I joked with Chris about digging in my suitcase to find a pair of socks to go with my only shoes--flip flops. But after a couple hours of freezing...I may or may not have really done it.

Many thanks to Chris for holding down the fort and encouraging me to go. I love my sister and I loved spending time with her. And I love having just enough of a break that I can't wait to go back and do my normal routine.

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

What a great hubby you have! You're an awesome mom and awesome moms need a break every now and then.

Love the socks with your flip flops. Airports are seriously chilly. I can't wear flip flops when I fly, my feet just freeze!