Thursday, December 13, 2007

185 Reasons To Slow Down

Chris received quite the Christmas present today! On his way to a church meeting, a nice policeman pulled him over right outside our neighborhood and gave him a nice $185 ticket for going 12 miles an hour over the speed limit. Thank you Mr. Policeman! And Merry Christmas to you, too! :)

I told Chris he should have told the policeman, "Well, you can give me that ticket, but I'm going to have to take the money out of the amount I was going to donate to The Salvation Army. I hope you feel good about your decision." Hindsight is 20/20.

My only beef with the ticket is that it was at the bottom of a hill and you actually have to brake the whole way down the hill to be even close to the speed limit. I know because I tried it soon after on my way to a concert and waved to the nice policeman that was there waiting for his next victim. Good thing Chris called me and told me or we probably would have had 370 reasons to slow down. :)

This was an expensive week as we also had some surprise repairs on the car too!'s all good. We just figure we're donating to our local law enforcement and to the local economy through our local auto shop and that just makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Or something.

Bottom line...if you are coming to visit us...please slow down unless you want to meet Chris's new friend. If you see him parked on the street near the old folk's home, waive "hi" from us!


The Shirleys said...

I heard that if you stick your finger in your nose as you pass a cop they won't pull you over because they don't want your booger fingers on their pen! You'll have to try that next time and let me know if it really works!

JoEllen said...

That is awesome!!! I hope we don't end up "donating" to the local law enforcement. I know right where you're talking about, and it is way hard to stay at the speed limit!!! I think they made the road that way on purpose! Just to trick you. Have a fun time in utah!!

Jenni said...

Mason is also friends with that police officer! But they have been friends for longer, since September! I can't believe these guys. you totally HAVE to break going down that hill or you are going at least 40. Mason was going 41 and got the ticket! He just barely finished the drivers ed course...but I feel better knowing that we too donated to the local law enforcement. :)

Unknown said...

Paul just got a ticket too! They must be trying to make some extra money for Christmas! Well, if you ever want to spend some money like that again there are great radar detectors only 140 now instead of a 170 ticket! It's amazing! I haven't had a ticket in over 5 years since I got that!

Jami Black said...

Stink! I really dislike police officers. I have been lucky lately (knock on wood) but had a run in awhile back. Way to have a good attitude about it though-donating to a good cause and all!

Michelle Cox said...

That totally stinks. Ugh. I got a ticket (my second) a couple months ago. I was able to sign up for Defensive Driving, which cost $100 instead of $169. Such a BUMMER.