Thursday, April 10, 2008

Highlight Reel

We've started early on Caleb's highlight reel for his college basketball scholarship:

During this particular video shoot, he was showing off for Nolan. Caleb has really become quite good at shooting hoops, kicking balls, hitting balls with bats and throwing and catching lately. Yahoo! I love it! So much fun!

And now for deep thoughts from my friend Sandie:--She was saying today that we should all learn to clap for ourselves like Caleb does--even if no one else is clapping for us. How true that is. :)


JoEllen said...

Seriously, you must have a Mac or something, because that video was sweet!! I too love that Caleb claps for himself. I love the "I did it." It's so cute. Nolan is getting to be a big chubby boy! I love the picture of them reading together. Sooooo sweet!!

Hillery said...

Is Utah State knocking down your door already?

Kat Curtis said...

I love that! Nice music and editing - seriously, it was Sports Center worthy! :) It's so fun for me to hear Caleb talk - what a cutie!!