Thursday, April 10, 2008

Random Caleb Moments

Apparently Caleb's bears needed to cool off a bit. I went to get something out of the fridge and was surprised to find two stuffed bears:

Caleb and I like to have movie nights with our blankets on the floor and popcorn. Caleb seriously gets giddy. He gets to pop the popcorn and pick out some snacks and some juice and the movie and sometimes we party while Chris is at school:

Caleb loves to watch Sesame Street, but his stuffed animals have to watch too.

Caleb and Nolan are best buddies. (Nolan is Jed and Rachel's cute guy that we get to hang out with during the day). They are starting to become really interactive and it just melts my heart every day to watch them. They just giggle at each other all day long! Caleb has also learned to swaddle his own bears and change their diaper and feed milk to his bears. Thanks, Nolan!

Caleb still amazes me with how much he likes to help. He is always asking to do the dishes or sweep or vacuum. I say, knock yourself out! Definitely don't want to discourage that habit!

Caleb loves to help outside too. Here they are planting some flowers:

Our friend Sandie is here visiting from Utah. After breakfast in the mornings Sandie tells us she is going to go shower and Caleb has to follow her upstairs to be sure she has enough towels. Quite the little host, huh?!?!

It has always been so fun to hang out with my little buddy--but it is even more so these days. His vocabulary is EXPLODING and he seriously cracks me up all the time. He is such a little ham bone. But he is also a sweetheart--here are a couple examples: The other day, he asked me for something and I handed it to him and he started to run away. But he stopped, came back, gave me a kiss and said, "Thanks, mom!" And then last night we accidentally bonked heads, but he came over and kissed it and said, "Sorry, mom" in the absolute sweetest voice ever followed by a big hug! We love our little buddy!


The Shirleys said...

That is so sweet! I love it when I can see that Bradley is learning some of the things I want him too. He has just started kissing Daniel good night.

Caleb is getting so big! I also love the video of him playing ball. He is quite a good shot! Go Caleb!!

Tilane said...

Fun times - your movie nights (or days)!!! Those are the memories I cherish!

Rachel said...

I love this post. It's amazing just how fast he's growing up and doing so much. And, he's quite the shot!

Jamie Smith said...

What cute pictures! I love the movie night idea! How fun, to eat popcorn and watch movies! I would be giddy too! It's so cute to see him with Nolan too! They are so cute together!