Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sandie and Manny

We were fortunate enough to have our good friend Sandie and her escort, Manny the Moose, visit us for two whole weeks! Sandie documented her trip using one of her many men, Manny. So in keeping with her tradition, here are a few pictures of things we did as told by Manny.

First of all, we played a lot of Dr. Mario on the Nintendo 64 and established that I'm still the reigning champ. :) Notice Manny checking out all the action and note that I'm on the left of the screen, Sandie on the right. :)

Of course we had to see the Alamo:

And try on Texas sized sombreros:

Do the boat ride:

Manny's newest friend:

But not as good of friends as he became with Caleb:

Caleb made sure that we took the moose everywhere with us!! Caleb was amazed that he could put an M&M on Manny's paw (do moosen have paws?) and he would eat it!

And of course, Manny had to raise a ruckus and get locked up:

He tempted fate by posing for this picture with the dinosaur:

We did lots of fun stuff that we didn't document with pictures too. We ate out WAY too much--PF Changs, Rudys (twice), Bobby J's, Taco Cabana, Chick Fillet, Chili's, Papa Johns, Thai Lao, Tony Romas, and those are just the ones I remember! We were also able to meet up with another USU friend, Mimi (who happened to be in town for a conference) on the riverwalk for dinner. We enjoyed Bunco night at Rachel's house--and Sandie (with an i-e!) the out-of-town punk even won! We visited St Mary's where Sandie did her undergrad work. We watched lots of movies. We played some games. We did tons of shopping. We went to the temple. And to end the visit, we drug her to Houston with us (see previous post!)

A couple funny Caleb stories that happened while Sandie was here. Caleb had just gotten up from a nap and we were finishing up watching something. So we hear Caleb rattling around in the kitchen and out he comes with three bags of chips, two sodas and a juice box. He hands one bag of chips and a soda to Sandie, one bag and a soda to me, and has the juice box and the last bag of chips for himself. What a little sweet heart!

Caleb would make sure EVERY DAY that Sandie had enough towels and wash clothes etc. He would also supervise her getting ready and make little cute comments as she described what she was doing and why. He was shocked when he walked past her room and it was empty after she left. He keeps asking where she went!

We had so much fun--thanks for visiting, Sandie!! We hope you will come again soon!


JoEllen said...

Is "mossen" the correct plural for "moose"? I think multiple moose are still just moose. Right? Cute post!!

The Shirleys said...

I like the idea of having a stuffed animal or a hat or something that is in all the pictures. Of course it is great to see the people too.

I believe Moose is singular and plural.

Rachel said...

Sandie was so cool! We had a lot of fun at Bunco and "Nelson" loved her. Tell her she's on our sub list for Bunco!