Saturday, September 20, 2008


We just got back from a week long trip celebrating our 10th(!) anniversary. Our anniversary isn't actually until December, but we decided it is always too crazy around all the holidays to take such a trip, so we went a bit early. Chris planned the whole thing and refused to tell me where we were going until we were at the airport ready to check our bags. He tricked me because earlier he had given me a hint and said that we were staying somewhere on the east coast. So that's where I thought we were headed. But we actually went and stayed near the east coast of Hawaii! Chris did a fantastic job planning everything!

First of all, I have to say that it just about killed me to leave Caleb for a whole week! And if leaving him wasn't bad enough, he had double ear infections and a hurricane was supposed to come through the day after we left. my kid with double ear infections during a hurricane while I'm in Hawaii...thanks! But our good friends, the Plumlees watched him and we knew he was in good hands. He had soooooooo much fun with them! Most of the time when we called to chat with him, he was too busy playing and having fun to take much time to chat! Thanks again, guys!

We stayed at a cool place right on Waikiki Beach (THANK YOU, Kaylyn!). It had a pool, ping pong tables, pool tables, tennis courts, a playground, tons of picnic areas, etc.

We arrived just in time to go to the Aloha Festival which just happened to be going on that day and happened to be a block from our hotel. They had tons of food and vendors and live music.

We went to the huge Swap Meet where just about everything you could imagine is sold for cheap prices. It was held at Aloha Stadium--we were also hoping to catch a Hawaii college football game, but they were playing away that week.

We went to the Polynesian Culture Center which was awesome! I really enjoyed our day there! The show at the end is very worth the price!!

We went to a Luau and the food was sooooooooo good!

We also went to Pearl Harbor

We attended church in Tongan

We went to the LDS Laie temple

To the Dole Pineapple Plantation

We enjoyed walking up and down the streets near our hotel. At night, every few feet there were different artists, musicians, magicians, dancers, singers, mimes, people making huge balloon animals, and all kinds of crazy stuff. It was so fun to check everything out! This guy was dressed head to toe in newspaper stuff and just sat totally still like a statue:

We went to the beach every day, sometimes several times a day. Sometimes we'd just walk around, other times Chris surfed while I read a book on the beach. There was also a different show every night on the beach with live singers and hula dancers.

And of course, what is a vacation without lots of card games and tons of good food!

Chris took about a billion pictures that turned out really good, but I'm too lazy to go through them all right now for the best ones. I'll have to post a slide show of them later!

We had a wonderful time ! Thanks, Chris, for all your hard work planning this trip! I think the only reason we came back was to get Caleb!

I can't believe it's already been 10 years! Time flies when you're having fun!


Hillery said...

100% jealous. Glad you guys had fun!

Kat Curtis said...

What a great trip!! My family & I went to Oahu and Maui forever ago and I loved it. It smells amazing there and the pineapple is so yummy. I'll have to take Jeremy there - maybe for our 10th anniversary! Thanks for sharing!!

Carolyn Hanson said...

Happy 10th! And congrats about another boy! That's so exciting!

Rachel said...

Okay, so Chris just scored some major points! Sounds like you had a great trip. Happy Anniversary!!!

Stacy said...

Looks like you gus had alot of fun. Greg and I have always talked about going to Hawaii for our tenth anniversary. I am glad that you guys were able to go.

Anonymous said...

10 years!!! My goodness, where does the time go?? Congratulations on your big anniversary, and the new baby boy.

P.S--don't you still owe me a pizza because I totally predicted that you would get married by a certain date?

Marc said...

Congrats on 10 years! What an amazing trip and how cool is that that Chris made the whole thing a surprise. Marc and I wanted to do a trip for our 10th but I turned out to be 8 months pregnant when it rolled around. Maybe for the 12th? Hey it was a lot of fun seeing you last week- hopefully we can get together again soon. - Chrissy (I'm too lazy to sign myself in).

JoEllen said...

Congrats on a successful trip! You guys deserve it. It sounds like you had so much fun, and who doesn't LOVE Hawaii. I love the PCC and I agree, the show at the end is really awesome and worth every penny. I love the canoe parade too though. It's such a neat place.

It sounds like Caleb was okay without you, despite the ear infection and impending doom with the hurricane. I'm sure it was nice to get away!