Monday, September 29, 2008

Veggie Tales Live!

Friday afternoon we drove down to Houston to see Veggie Tales Live! Caleb loves Veggie Tales and was so excited to see the "Bob Show." Our friends, The Turners, were so nice to get us tickets. They spoiled Caleb with a glow stick and a "Bob ball" too. Caleb was a bit quiet during the first half of the show just soaking it all in. But by the second half he was dancing in the aisles and having a good ol' time.

The show was awesome and then we went for ice cream. Thanks guys, for everything! We had so much fun with you!

Here is Caleb in his new fashionable bob hat:

We were originally going to go to a baseball game and go to the aquarium and such. But because of the hurricane a couple weeks ago, every hotel room was still booked and our poor friends STILL didn't have power back on at their house! (Luckily it came on late that afternoon). So we decided to come back late that night and had to miss the fun birthday party on Saturday too.

But we didn't leave town without tracking down a Kroger that sells my coveted Cincinnati Chili. It is one of the many things that I seriously miss from Cincinnati. You eat it over spaghetti noodles and it is soooooooooooo yummy! So we were soooooooo excited when we discovered a couple years ago that some Kroger stores sell it. (Maybe because Kroger is based in Cincinnati or something? I don't know...but it doesn't matter as long as they keep selling it! :) But we don't have Kroger in San Antonio so whenever we go somewhere that does, we have to try to stock up!!

We didn't get home until after 2am, but Chris and I had a lot of fun on the drive back talking and laughing. We spent a good portion of the time devising ways to open the soda Chris bought that required a bottle opener that we didn't have. After too much time and effort, we finally got it open--only to find out it was pretty gross. :)


Kat Curtis said...

How fun - Veggie Tales Live must have gone from Lubbock to Houston because it was just at the church that Ben attends Pre-K at last week. We didn't see it, but maybe should have. I love silly songs - they crack me up. I love a good chili - I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for your cincinnati chili!

Jami Black said...

Veggie Tales are awesome-Madison loves them-live must have been a blast!

JoEllen said...

Veggie Tales live!? So jealous! :)