Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hodge Podge

This is kind of a random hodge podge update. But things I want to remember later....

I went for a follow up ultrasound and the baby's kidneys are still just as bad. Dang it! I was hoping I'd go and they'd tell me it has all cleared up! Oh well. We'll follow up in a few weeks again. I can't believe it's already time to start going every two weeks to doctor appointments!

It was so fun to do another ultrasound though. She pointed out so many more things this time. And according to the technician, it looks like we are definitely going to have another totally bald baby like Caleb.

Unfortunately, I still get sick a couple times a week. I think I have traumatized Caleb. He walks by the toilets and turns his head and makes a puking noise. Kind of sad that he thinks that's what they're for. He is so cute though. He used to get really upset when I was throwing up, but Chris has taught him to rub my back and say, "We're here for you mom." So now every time I'm sick I have my 2 year old compassionate paramedic there helping me out. "We're here for you mom! What do you need mom?"

Caleb is doing awesome with the potty training thing! Whoohooo! He's been going potty for almost a year now anytime we ask him. We finally got our lazy selves motivated to ask him to go consistently. Now he will even go without being asked. I feel like we totally lucked out on yet another stage I have been dreading. It's going to be hard if our next kid isn't quite so easy going with all these fun stages. We might actually have to do some parenting or something. :) Here is his little motivator:

Every time we would go to Walmart, Caleb would beg to see the fish. But not just any of the fish. He would quickly pass all the others by until he found the Betta Fish. So Chris came up with the brilliant plan to use the fish as a motivator for potty training. Works great!!

Just in case you are wondering.... For those times when Caleb wants chocolate milk but his bike is in the garage...he will just improvise. Still no need to take two trips. This time he used a kitchen chair to push it all the way down the entry way and into the living room complete with milk, chocolate powder, spoon, and cup. I would love to be inside his head sometimes and sneak a peak at his thought process. :)

This weekend we were able to go up to Austin. Chris's grandma was visiting (from California) and staying with his uncle and family that live up there. So we headed up there and had so much fun!

Great weather and great hospitality! Always so much fun when we head up there! Thanks for everything, guys!


JoEllen said...

Sorry to hear about the baby's kidneys. Am I retarded? Because I don't remember you mentioning anything was wrong with them before. That can be stressful! And still getting sick!? Ugh!! You have sacraficed so much already for this one! What a great mom.

Congrats on the potty training thing. This is a world we are about to enter and I hope Sal does as well with it as Caleb.

It's so fun to see Grandma's. Especially ones that live far away and like to snuggle! Cute pictures!

Darah said...

Krista - sorry to hear about the baby's kidneys...I'll be thinking of you and hope that they get better before delivery!
We find out on Friday (11/14) the sex of our baby - totally excited. Will put updates on the blog!