Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Fun

Here is our cute little dog:

The last couple years we chose costumes for Caleb that we thought were just adorable. This year, we decided that we were going to let Caleb choose his costume. So we went to the store and showed him Lightning McQueen and Thomas the Train and some others I was sure he would jump all over. Instead, he finds this dog costume and would not be swayed. Never mind that all the others were nice and light and cool costumes for the hot Texas climate. Nope, we needed the big hot stuffy cute dog costume. But he loved it so much and looked so cute, it all worked out. And the weather was even a bit cooler and made it ok.

We made lots of Halloween cookies, but didn't take pictures. Caleb loves to help roll out the dough, use the cookie cutters, and help decorate the cookies.

We did get pictures of the pumpkins we carved though. Here is Caleb wielding his weapon of choice:

Caleb was way excited to get to choose the ghost this time. He also has our patterns planned out for "next time" a.k.a. next year, I guess. Here are the finished products:

At church we had a Halloween party that included a trunk-or-treat, a carnival for the kids, a dessert contest, and a costume contests. Lots of fun! Here is Chris as one of the judges with his always present helper, Caleb.

Here is Caleb ready to trick-or-treat:

At the first door it took him a couple minutes to get up the nerve to knock. But after that, he was sprinting from door to door and had the drill down. He was so cute. He would go to the door by himself, knock, say "trick-or-treat" then "thank you!" and he was off and running. I felt a little sad that he didn't need our help at all. But I guess that's a good thing.

I love holidays with our cute kid!!!!!!!

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

He is not just a dog, he is a Saint Bernard! Too cute!!

It's so sad when they become so darn independent. I guess that is why we have more kids. :)