Monday, March 2, 2009

The Rollie Pollies

Bug lovers, animal rights activists, those that believe in reincarnation...please skip this post.

This picture has nothing to do with the post. For some reason, I just feel this need to have a picture when blogging. So here is Caleb smiling, thinking about what he did. :)

And here is Carson, smiling, thinking about what Caleb did.

The other day we were outside playing in the front yard. Caleb was riding his bike up and down the sidewalk. All of the sudden, he stopped, got off his bike and ran inside the house. He came out with a shoe. He ran over to his bike and starts repeatedly beating the sidewalk. Over and over and over. When I asked him what he was doing, he simply replied, "Bugs, mom!" in a tone that said, "Duh, mom. This is what we do when we see a bug!"

Now normally I would definitely be amused by this. That day, though, I thought it was hilarious. You see, across the street was a group of religious people who had been going door to door in our neighborhood. They all had just regrouped across the street from our house where their cars were parked. So Caleb had quite the audience. Among them, the two nice little old ladies who, just a half an hour earlier, had been oohing and ahhing over how cute my two boys are.

I looked up as Caleb started beating the sidewalk with his shoe to see the shocked and appalled faces of most of the group. Do you still think my boys are cute? Hope you don't believe in reincarnation. That may have been your sister! I had to try really really hard not to burst out in laughter. Caleb finished his business and simply walked up to the porch, opened the front door, returned the shoe to it's proper place, and returned to his bike riding.

Secretly, I was proud. Some parents are proud when their kid does well in school...or learns to share.... Me? I'm proud that my son knows how to take care of bugs the proper way. If only his dad would learn the same thing. I've had only three years to teach Caleb, and he gets it. I've had ten years to train Chris and somehow I've failed. He's better than he used to be...but I think he still doesn't quite get it. Chris will sometimes walk by a bug in our house and keep on walking. Huh? No. That's not how that is handled. Let Caleb show you how it is done. Caleb knows how to take care of business.

Caleb has also been very busy instructing Carson on the fine art of the play mat.

Let's hope Caleb teaches Carson as vigilantly about the fine art of taking care of the bugs too.


Chris said...
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Chris said...

For the record (why am I always defending my devious acts?), those bugs I allow to live are lady bugs. YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO KILL LADY BUGS! You're supposed to recite the lady bug poem and release them to their home. The poem:

Ladybug! Ladybug!
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children all gone.

It's kinda sad, I know, but as a kid, you were kind to the lady's in the name - LADY. How would you like it if you were vacuumed up everytime your house were on fire? 'Nough said.

Kody and Brandy Nelson said...

That's my nephew. Good job training them right. The boys are so cute. I love and miss you guys.

The Shirleys said...

Thats great! I love it when kids learn how to help their moms. Andy is the one in our family who teachs Bradley to squish bugs. The only bad part is he taught him to squish them with his finger!! he only squishes the little ones that way, but still it is gross. I mean at least use a shoe.

In Chris' defence I think it is okay to let Lady Bugs live. Everything else better watch out though!!!

Darah said...

I love the pictures! Carson has a great smile!

JoEllen said...

This is so funny! I think husbands are way harder to train than kids! If I ask little Sal to put his dishes in the dishwasher, he does. Big Sal? It's like talking to the wall! :)

Your boys are really adorable on the play mat. Everyone is getting so big.