Thursday, November 12, 2009

Changed My Life

Man, my blog posts are feast and famine lately, huh? No posts forever and them bam bam! Right now Caleb is at Joy School and Carson is napping and I'm just not sure what to do with myself. Clean? Nah. Blog? Sure. I am actually being a good citizen and sending you important needed information.

I was just giving advice to a friend on facebook about an issue we recently faced and thought I would pass it along to all of you as well. The issue? Iphone adoption. It's not a decision to be made lightly and one must be sure to consider your options carefully. Iphone adoption is not for everyone. You bring them home and suddenly you get no sleep anymore, your house is a mess...productivity is all out the window. You spend all your money buying accessories and toys for them. You have to feed them every couple hours with new apps. I'm just saying--be prepared and know what you're getting into. I felt a little unprepared for the way it has taken over my life 24/7. :)

Isn't he cute? This is his one week picture. He has certainly changed my life. :)

And then there is this little guy:

Wow! Has he ever changed our life. Best. Invention. Ever. Ok, except maybe the iphone. Maybe. This clock is the bomb. It turns blue and starts singing songs and/or telling a story (for a specified amount of time) at whatever time you set as bedtime. Then when it is time to wake up, it turns yellow. Your kid needs a time out? Just push the red button and it stays red for the amount of time you specified as a time out. As soon as time is up? It turns yellow again. There is a setting for quiet time and nap time too. It is so great! Caleb hears the music start playing and tells US it is time for bed. Yippee! For awhile, Caleb would get up at like 3am and come into our room and say, "Good morning!" Uh. No. It's not time to get up yet. Now he will now stay in his room in the morning until it turns yellow (you set the time). He also stays in his room during quiet time until it turns from green to yellow. A couple times I have wanted to cut quiet time short to go do something, but Caleb insisted that he cannot be done with quiet time yet because his clock is not yet yellow. Best. Investment. Ever. I'm serious.

Both the iphone and the clock? Worth. Every. Penny.


The Blaisdell Family said...

Fun clock! I've never seen or heard of such a thing. Worth looking into for sure. Thanks for the info!

JoEllen said...

Oh my gosh, that clock is awesome! Where did you get it? Online? I've been trying to think of a way to do this for Little Sal, but I haven't come up with any great ideas. This is perfect! (Right now he just has to stay in his bed until we get him. This would be better. It would give him more responsibility.)

We are an iphone home too...they are time consuming! :)

Stephen and Gabrielle said...

So is the new Caleb-ism related to the new phones? Did he really take a hammer to Chris's phone?

Love the clock idea! I will have to look at that.

The Shirleys said...

We are going to have to look for that clock!! Caleb is too funny! I love that he HAS to do certain things. He and Carson are so cute in their church clothes. I love the pictures with the sucker!! Too cute.

J.Reed said...

Where did you get this clock?!