Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Career Week

This week the boys have been investigating the career of private investigator. Gotta keep all your options open. It's never too early to start researching careers, right? That's what I thought. We felt the boys really needed to take a thorough look at it, so we made them do some surveillance and tailing. Even in disguise.

This photo titled: Surveillance Done Right

Love the disguise (complete with totally inconspicuous Lightning Mcqueen hat and girly cell phone, donut in hand with a full box nearby.)

This photo titled: Tailing the Subject

Sporting that same inconspicuous Lightning McQueen hat with an equally inconspicuous turquoise convertible.

Actually, a friend of ours and his awesome company, Fullmer Investigations, is sponsoring a photo contest for the best picture of someone dressed up as a p.i. I didn't see in the rules where it said groveling was unacceptable. And since I'm not above groveling, should go check out the entries and vote! Just click here! You have until January 20th and I think it said you can vote once a day! So let's get to those phone lines and start voting! Or wait...maybe I've watched too much American Idol this week.

And should you or your company find yourselves in need of a good private investigator, I hear he is the best at what he does and is an all around good guy. There is your tip for the day. You're welcome. As my dad always said, "Don't say I never gave you anything." haha! :)


JoEllen said...

LOVE the donut picture!! Maybe the Lightning McQueen hat will catch on...

The Shirleys said...

I couldn't figure out how to vote, but your photos are by far the cutest! THose are classic poses. Good luck!

J.Reed said...

I didn't see the picture of Carson on the contest! HOW CUTE!!