Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The day after Carson turned one, Caleb turned four.

We CANNOT believe our little man is four!! Seriously?!? Where does the time go?!? It's so exciting and yet so so sad at the same time.

We celebrated a lot on Saturday (still going to post on this soon), but on Caleb's actual birthday we did a lot of fun things too. We made him a little thing to go around his neck that said, "It's My Birthday Today!" to wear to church. It was great because everywhere he went at church people were stopping him right and left and telling him, "Happy Birthday!" We had told Caleb we would open presents after church, but we had to wait for Chris to get home from his meetings at church too!! Caleb was sooo anxious! But Chris finally made it and then we had some fun. The night before I had set up a scavenger hunt with all of his presents. Only this time, I had made it so he got gifts along the way. So he would find a few clues and then find a gift with the next clue attached. Giddy does not even begin to describe this boy's excitement. I love how excited he gets over such things! We played the afternoon away all together with the new toys and games. That night we had some of Caleb's favorite friends over and made homemade pizzas and had more cake and ice cream. I think Caleb had a great day and we enjoyed celebrating with him.

One of his favorite presents was this little table top stage and some dinosaur hand puppets. He has had a lot of fun making up and putting on shows for us. He also enjoys dad's shows...just a little bit.

He literally had tears running down his cheeks from laughing so hard.

Some things (besides dad's shows!) that Caleb is into:
Caleb loves to write words and draw pictures
Loves to figure out what different signs say
Still loves to help and be involved in anything anyone is doing
Loves going to Joy School and is getting used to being a Sunbeam at church :)
Loves to have his room in order before he goes to bed
Loves to ride bikes, play ball, and just be outside
Loves to cook with mom
Loves to make his brother laugh
Anything trains, Buzz Lightyear, trucks, or Lightning McQueen! :)

And finally, here are some of Caleb's 4 year pictures:

(had to get those shoes and hat in a picture--he doesn't leave home without them!!)

Oh how we love our Caleb!! He is such a good helper and just so much fun. He makes us so proud and brings so much joy into our lives. Love you, Caleb!


The Shirleys said...

That was a pretty entertaining puppet show! I think Caleb laughing was the best part.

Caleb looks so cute in his Lightning McQueen garb!

gingerbairds said...

You have perfect kids! And I'm sure it's partly because they came nearly-perfect, and the love of their parents kind of finishes it off! The Calebisms make me happy every time I read them- I may just have to make a poster to hang next to my bed so that I can read them first thing every morning ;) What a good life you guys have created!

Unknown said...

Awwww...cute, cute pictures!