Saturday, January 23, 2010


One. Can you believe Carson is one today?!? I certainly cannot.

We had such a fun and action packed day today. More on that later though.

Here are a few things Carson is into lately:

  • Carson is such a sweet boy. He always comes over to us and gives us a kiss and hugs and then just lays his head on us for a minute and then is off to something else.
  • Carson loves to climb climb climb. Up and downstairs. Over and over and over. All day long. Climb onto the living room table. Off the living room table. Onto the dishwasher. Off the dishwasher. Onto the bike. And off of the bike. You get the idea. The idea that he scares me. All the time. Do you like short sentences? I seem to.
  • Carson loves to drive little cars along the table and floor and makes the sound of them. He's been doing it for months and I find it so darn cute.
  • Carson loves to fold his arms for prayers, loves to say yes, and loves to say no. In fact, I don't even need to tell him no anymore. He reaches his finger towards the outlet and waits until he catches my eye and then shakes his head no no. He starts to lift the lid of the toilet to play in the fun water, waits for me to look at him, then shakes his head no no. Too funny.
  • Carson is very much a daddy's boy. But mom will due if dad's not around. He has had quite a bit of stranger anxiety that is slowly getting better.
  • Carson loves to laugh at his crazy brother all the day long. In fact, if Caleb is not near, Carson searches around for him.
  • Carson really loves to be outside. Anytime we come inside, I really hear about it.
  • Carson has no fear of water. He slurps up the bath water like nobody's business. And scares me. He just dunks his face in that water all the time!
  • The boy loves to dance. Anytime music comes on (including at church during hymns), the boy will start busting a move.
  • Since Carson was a small baby, we'd tease him about having stinky feet. We'd pretend to smell them and say, "Eeeeeewwww! Stinky feet!" and he would just giggle and giggle. Now he comes around all the time and sticks his foot in your face wanting you to say the line. Even Caleb's in on the game.
  • Carson gets giiiiiiiddddddddy when we pull in anywhere and turn the car off, knowing that he is getting out to go do some adventurous thing.
  • And finally, nothing excites Carson more than food. The boy must have a hollow leg or something. I'm going to enter him in a food eating contest. Teenage boys have nothing on him! Consider that a challenge! :)
Here are some of his one year pictures:

It's been so interesting to discover how different two boys can be. One of the ways they are different is in their tolerance of messiness. For Caleb's first birthday we stripped him down and put him in his high chair with great anticipation. We sat that cake in front of him and he just looked at us like we had lost our minds. I finally jabbed his hand into it so he would take a taste. Instead he just stared at his messy hand...again like I had lost my mind. He never did take a bite. He didn't want to be dirty. Ahhh...but then there is Carson. I finally got my picture with cake smeared here and there for the first birthday celebrations.

"Check it out, dad! Even my foot is dirty!!!"

"Hey want in on this action?"

Oh sweet Carson. We love you so much. Thanks for making our little world so happy and full of your smiles.


JoEllen said...

What a sweet post! Happy Birthday to Carson.

That kid has some serious dance moves, but I'd love some more evidence of that!

The cake pictures are too too cute.

Cory Reese said...

Hi Krista! How are you? I just found your blog and have had fun reading about your family.

The Shirleys said...

Carson is so stinkin' cute! I love the picture of him looking at Chris holding the guitar.