Friday, April 30, 2010


So our family recently participated in a play at church.

It ended up being really fun, but there were definitely times that I wasn't so sure about it. I will admit that this is way (WAY) out of my comfort zone. It is WAY inside Caleb and Chris's comfort zone. Haha. Caleb loved being on stage. Caleb decided to put on his own little side show and quite a few people told me that they didn't really watch the show because they were too busy watching Caleb and his cute antics. :) He went to center front stage and was doing all sorts of funny stuff apparently. Oh well.

I have to give a shout out to Marcie for all those ruffles. :) And Jill for the costumes! Thanks, girls!!

Poor Carson was so sick. He had been running a temperature for five days (of the 104.5 variety--I'll post more about that later. He is all better now though!) We walked off stage and went straight home and Carson puked all over within two minutes of walking in the door. Phew! At least we didn't puke all over the stage!!!

And speaking of shows...the three amigos spent a bit of time together while I went to a two day conference recently.... We know what happens when the three amigos have a lot of time on their hands, right? :) And well...let's just say we have quite a hilarious constant show at our house these days.

This video just doesn't do it justice. It was in the confining car and Carson was being a little camera shy. But all Chris has to say is something like, "Who is a crazy monkey?!?" and Caleb and Carson and Chris all go crazy making monkey noises, beating on their chests and walking like crazy monkeys. Quite entertaining really. If you see Chris, be sure to ask him to see his crazy monkey impression live. :)

p.s. Aren't we so festive? Caleb in his Halloween pajamas and Carson in some Valentine pjs? Awesome. Even more awesome? That we took them to a church activity dressed that way.


The Shirleys said...

With pjs that cute you just have to show them off! I love the crazy monkeys. I am sure it is even better if they aren't stuck in the car and when you can see Chris. Boys are so fun!!

JoEllen said...

Oh my gosh, that is freaking hilarious!!