Friday, April 16, 2010

Easter Fun

Another fun holiday.

Here is Caleb trying to get ready for the Easter bunny. I love the way he is looking at his brother in this picture.

And here is Carson three seconds later--climbing on the table trying to get us unready for the Easter bunny. :)

I love Caleb's hands on his hips, like, "Mom! You see this?!? You're going to do something about this, right?!?"

We recently made Caleb a little mail box that he leaves outside his door. He LOVES it! When he does a good job going to bed at night (which he does 95% of the time--we are in such a good bedtime phase right now! Both boys go down sooo easy right now! May it never end!), we leave him some mail and put the flag up. Caleb insisted that we needed to leave some mail for the Easter bunny. So Caleb wrote him a little note, drew a picture, put it in an envelope addressed to the Easter bunny and put it in the mailbox with the flag up. He also left a cupcake for the Easter bunny on a plate near his basket. He's taking mighty fine care of that Easter bunny, huh? Quite the little host. :) Meanwhile, Carson was trying so hard to spellcheck Caleb's letter to the Easter bunny and to taste test that cupcake to make sure it was suitable for the Easter Bunny. Quite the little helper!

Carson's first Easter egg--he scribbled on it and dropped it in the cup.

Some of the other eggs

The Awesome Aunt Nyn sent us a picture of some cute cupcakes she made. So of course we had to try them out too:

We had so much fun making these together. So some of them look more demented than others...and were supposed to have black whiskers that I just couldn't's the time and fun spent together that matters, right? :)

More decorated bedroom doors:

A couple people have asked what I mean when I say I decorate their doors for holidays and why I don't ever put up a picture. Here ya go. Exciting, huh? :)

After finding all the hidden eggs and going through the Easter baskets...Chris took a little snooze...

(hehehe...can't wait for Chris to see this one on here...Caleb took good care of his daddy, making sure he was nice and comfortable! And photogenic!)

...the boys had so much fun playing together with all their little Easter stuff.

And of course in their matching Easter pjs.


JoEllen said... Chris sleeping with a Thomas pillow and Mickey? That's awesome.

The Shirleys said...

You are so festive! You some of the cutest ideas of things to do with the kids. We are going to have to remember the mail box idea.

The decorated bedroom doors are so fun.