Tuesday, June 15, 2010


How do I explain to someone how last week could be so so awful and yet so wonderful?

How I wish I could erase the look on Caleb's face as he was in so much pain last week!

How I wish I could erase mental snapshots like this that will forever be ingrained in my head!

How do I thank someone for making my sick and pained son smile with their gifts?

How do I thank someone for praying for my son?

How do I thank someone for showing up at my house at just the right moment with just the right words or gifts or services?

How my heart melted as I watched Carson just want to make his brother better again!

How do I thank my husband for choosing to be with us and support us over not losing income?

How do I explain to someone how last week has affected me for the good?

How the things I worried about a couple weeks ago seem so trivial!

How I desire to be a better mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, disciple of Christ!

How do I thank a loving Father in Heaven for the feelings of peace and comfort I have felt?

How my heart hurts to think of all the mommies out there who are hurting and worrying about their little ones tonight!

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