Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Iron Gut

A little quiz for you:

Which of the following has Carson had a drink of or eaten:

A. Chunks of his flip flops
B. Dirt
C. Bubbles
D. Wood chips
E. Sand
F. Glue stick
G. Sneakers
H. Foil wrappers
I. Elmers glue
J. Dishwashing soap
K. Pool water
L. Puddle of rain water
M. Very hot and spicy salsa
N. Chunks of sponge
O. All the above

Yes, that's right friends. Carson has eaten or taken a drink of each and every one of those things. His new nickname is Iron Gut because he's going to have one if he doesn't already after eating and drinking such yummy things.

Exhibit A:

Carson--apparently thirsty--decides to just bend over and drink some nice pool water at the splash pad. Yum yum!!

p.s. For the record...the kid LOVES salsa!

p.s.s. I try to stop him. I honestly do! He's just too fast for me!


Rachelle said...

That's a very good list. And for the record... I think it's good for kids to experience all of those flavors. :)
Also wanted to say a big hello to our fellow Texans. We moved to Houston about a week ago. We've talked about your guys a few times this week while we've been experiencing Hurricane Alex. We've said... well maybe the Dials would take us in.....
Thankfully it seems to have passed and we've avoided any major calamity's.

The Shirleys said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one who has a child that does that sort of thing!

That picture is so cute! He will just love it someday. :)