Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lessons Learned

Phew. 3 posts in one night. A new record!! Trying to play catch up.

Lessons learned from Day #1 of speaking assignments:

Ok, so our new found plethora of time with Chris is kind of over. Not completely...but a bit. A couple of weeks ago he was asked to serve as a member of the high council at church. How do I explain this to my friends of other faiths.... Our church is organized by geographic boundaries. So the actual congregation you go to each Sunday is based on where you live. Several congregations (or wards) make up a stake. So he now helps with more regional things on the stake level (made up of several wards). And everything we do at church is volunteer. You are asked to serve in a certain spot and you can decline or agree, but it's all unpaid. Does that make any sense? If'll just have to come with me and see what I'm talking about for yourself. :)

So among other assignments, once a month we are assigned to speak in Sunday services at one of the 11 wards that make up our stake. Each month it rotates and we will be somewhere different. Today was the first one. Lessons learned from today:

1. 1:30 is too late to start church for 18 month olds who didn't take a nap.

2. 4 year olds don't like their cheese moved. In the beginning. But by the end, they are happy their cheese moved. (Also known as...four year olds don't like to attend other congregations...they miss their own friends and teachers...until they realize it can be just as much fun and they can meet new friends.)

3. 4 year olds will, if parents are not watching closely, make their way to the front of the congregation where their other parent is speaking. Several times. Especially if one parent is holding a sleeping baby and is not sure how to snag him with said sleeping baby. Oops! :) A little distraction and entertainment never hurt anybody, right? :)

4. 18 month olds who really like their dad should not be sitting near the front in church where they can see said dad really well. They will probably keep calling out to him while he is speaking. Daaaaad!! Daaaad!!!

5. Chris loves to speak. In church. In public. Really, anywhere. Krista, well, does not. But is learning that it is ok. I guess.

6. I thought the high council was for old guys. I mean no disrespect. :) But apparently it's for young guys too. :)

7. It actually can be a lot of fun to travel to different wards and visit old friends and make new ones and get out of your comfort zone!!

8. (Chris' item #1) When Krista says she only needs five minutes to speak, what she means is that YOU only need five minutes to speak.

9. (Chris' item #2) Four year olds LOVE finding hymn numbers. For example, if you tell a four year old to find hymn #219, they start at hymn #1 and go in order until they find #219. The carrot is when they hit, for example, hymn #29. "Hey! There's a 2, and there's a 9, but there isn't a 1 between them. Keep looking!) Hours. Of. Distraction. (Or at least until mom starts speaking and you need to run onto the stand. Again.)

10. (Chris' item #3) Tori K. is my all-time speaking partner. All other high councilors BACK OFF! ;) (I'm also thinking of poaching Bradley C...any thoughts on whether I can pull it off?)

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