Tuesday, October 19, 2010


As I mentioned in my last post, Chris's grandmother (Nana) and uncle passed away on the same day in two different states.

I'm so glad we have been able to visit with Nana a few times in the last few years and let our boys meet her and take pictures with her.

We were lucky enough to be able to attend her funeral in Utah. More about that in another post. While Nana will surely be missed, we are happy for her to be reunited with her husband who passed away 43 years before her, her daughter that died very young, and her son that passed away just hours after her. What a sweet reunion I'm sure that was!!

As I've had cause to contemplate life and death and the purpose of life...it has reminded me of one of my secret pet peeves. :) And since you asked...haha...here you go! Secretly, it drives me nuts when people complain about their parents. If only they knew how much some of us would give to have our parents alive and "bugging" us. :) Just hug and kiss your parents and tell them how much you love them! I don't care who you are and what the circumstances! You will miss them when they are gone!

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