Monday, September 10, 2007

All My Hard Work...Wasted!!

Ok. I admit it. I am terrified of all things creepy, crawly, slithery, hoppy. Here in Texas, there are plenty of them. You name it...I hate it. So, for months, I have been methodically trying to give Caleb a healthy fear and disliking of them too. Some people have told me that they try not to freak out when there are bugs around because they don't want to make their kids afraid of them too. Me? I want my kid to share in my belief that they are straight up nasty. :) Selfish?! Heck yeah! I mean, come on! I don't want him to ever bring them near me or into my house. I don't want to find them in his pockets, his laundry, his room, or in my bed.

In just a few short minutes...Chris managed to undue ALL my hard labor!! The other day Caleb was helping Chris mow the lawn. Chris spotted a little frog. Could he just go about his business? No. Could he help me reinforce that they are nasty by saying...Ooooh. Gross. Nasty. Don't touch. Oh no. Chris had to pick it up and let Caleb touch it and hold it and tell him how cool it is. I then hear Caleb's squeal of delight. Great. Then Chris precedes to do it again with a rollie pollie. Even better. And who knows what other nasty insects and reptiles Chris felt the need to share with him.

Here is the evidence.

Thanks, Chris. All my hard, hard, work. Wasted. I guess it was inevitable. :)


Jamie Smith said...

That's so funny! I never thought about it that way. If you don't like it, just make your kids not like them either! Great advice!

The Blaisdell Family said...

I'm right there with ya Krista! Don't like bugs, my kids don't either. Makes sense to me. But my mom loves all living things like no other person on this earth so after being around her I have to reverse the kids thoughts to not like bugs and stuff again.

And cute blog. You did a really good job!!

Christine said...

Ahhh! What do we do with these husbands?! It was a horrible day when Nathan and Scott were wrestling and Scott taught Nathan to pinch. What was he thinking?!

Unknown said...

Chris shared this picture at work so I thought I would stop by and get the full story.

I agree with you 100%. I have taught both Alex and Adam that all creepy crawly things are nasty dirty. The part you forgot was to teach your husband that by fear of death penalty he could not undo your teaching... hee hee. Not sure if that really works but so far.. my boys agree -- creepy crawly=gross. Obviously, I will not be letting Chris Dial around them any time soon. :-)

Michelle Cox said...

Ha! That's hilarious. My kids are forever finding spiders, potato bugs, caterpillars, toads, etc. and bringing them to me. "It was coming to live here, Mom." Lovely.