Thursday, September 13, 2007

We Are Off Our Rockers!!

As in literally. Someone decided to make off with our rockers from our porch. We were thinking that the age group that would normally be swiping things from people's porches, probably wouldn't want a nice rocking chair or two. Then we got a laugh at picturing an old grandma and grandpa "running" away with our chairs in the middle of the night.

It bugs me because the weather is finally cooling off and it's almost time to just sit on your porch and enjoy the weather. If they had taken them at the beginning of the summer, I wouldn't be as upset. I would have thought..."oh's too hot to sit outside anyway!" But no...they wait until it cools off just a bit. I guess they wanted to wait until it cooled off too.

We were thinking about putting up a sign and a collection jar where our rocking chairs used to be on our porch. The sign would read something like this: "Someone felt they needed our rocking chairs more than we did. This person is obviously experiencing economic hardship to have to steal from the neighbors, so we have taken up a fund to help with food and other necessities. Please inquire within."

So, if you want to donate to our collection jar, or if you see grandma and grandpa running around town in our rocking chairs, just let me know. :)


Christine said...

I am so sorry! That really stinks. I think I have some loose change lying around that I could donate : ) .

Unknown said...

What a bummer. I will be in town for work next week. I will try to send home with Chris some spare change for the collection and a caramel cake to cheer you up. Ask Chris to tell you the story of caramel cakes.

I am not sure how God will use your rocker incident, but I feel certain that He will in some way or another. ;-)

Jamie Smith said...

How funny, or not really! I can't believe someone took off with them. That just bugs! People have a lot of nerve. The Machados had some couches outside their apartment and some people took off with those too. I can't believe what people can take. You would think sometimes it's a little big a bulky to just run off with!

The Blaisdell Family said...

What the heck?? That sucks. I HATE when people steal stuff!! I would be so mad. I like your poster idea to put out in your yard. That's pretty funny!

Jami Black said...

What a drag! Sorry to hear of your misfortune-I will definitely keep my eyes peeled. Your header is so cute!