Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine Fun

Caleb and I decided last night to make some cookies for Chris for Valentine's Day. Caleb loved rolling out the dough and then "push!" the heart cookie cutters into the dough:

He also liked snitching the frosting:

And loved putting conversation hearts on the frosted cookies:

Here is our finished project. He is still talking about "making cookies for daddy."

During the process of waiting for the cookies to bake, Caleb also created our next edition of "I Spy":

See if you can find:
1 picture colored by Caleb of a worker
Various magnet letters
1 picture colored by Caleb of people at church
1 finger painting by Caleb
2 Note pads
1 empty bag of M&M's from the trash

Not sure what's up with taking stuff out of the trash and hanging it up. But it is certainly entertaining.

Chris surprised us by coming home mid-day today and bringing an awesome lunch and treat and flowers!

Then tonight we celebrated valentine's day by Chris going to school to take a test and Caleb and I just hanging out at home.

And yes, my friends, even at bath time, Caleb can find things to stack and line up!

Tonight I decided to put on a cd with some music during bath time. Here is Caleb after his bath, "getting ready for bed". If it wasn't this:

(his latest and greatest dance moves....)

It was this:

Hmmm...maybe we will skip the bedtime music next time. Or go with something a little lighter. :)

Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day!!


The Shirleys said...

Those are so great moves! This scene looks very familiar. Our boys do the same thing. Maybe that is how they get out the last of their energy before bedtime.

Your cookies turned out great!

{Lindsey} said...

Hey Krista!
It has been a long time, but I just wanted to say HI. This blogging thing is great...our blog is
Your little boy sure is handsome. I remember Crystal (Jensen) telling me when you were pregnant, it's quite late, but congratulations!

Rachel said...

He has so much energy. Don't you wish you had that much energy at bedtime?

Rachel said...

He has so much energy. Don't you wish you had that much energy at bedtime?

Jami Black said...

Those cookies look yummy! Caleb has some serious moves-reminds me of his dad at the American Idol night!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute...what a lucky great aunt I am. He has a lot of energy, but believe it or not, his Dad had more...I think this is what you call a good way!

Bobbi said...

Wow! I can't believe what a big boy Caleb is! He has certainly grown since the last time I saw him. What cutie! And so SMART!!! (Love the diaper-problem-solving skills) And don't you love the cheezy kids songs that we get hear daily as Mommies? Anything to see those awesome dance moves!!!