Monday, March 10, 2008

If It's Broke...

...don't buy a new one!!

A while back, we bought Caleb this Elmo karaoke toy and he LOVED it!!

Until it broke soon after we bought it. I was thinking about buying a new one because he liked it so much. But then we decided to call the customer service number for the company that makes it and see if they had any quick tips on fixing it. They told us, "Sure! We'll send you a gift certificate so you can go buy a new one!" The gift certificate came like a week later...sweet!

Two Elmos! One broken, one works great!

And you can see that it's not just Caleb that loves that toy!

(Ok, so in his defense, he didn't know I was video taping him, but as you can see, he wasn't too worried once he realized it! :)

So the bottom line is...if it is broken...don't buy a new one. Call first and see if they'll hook you up!!

There was still a bit of money left on the gift certificate after we purchased a new Elmo, so with that and the money that Papa Rick and Grandma Sheila gave Caleb for his birthday, here is what Caleb picked out:

My favorite part is that if Caleb misses some pins, he'll knock over the rest with the ball or kick them. Hmmm..if only I could do that in real bowling! We have seriously had hours of fun with it! Who knew that our entry way could double as a race track (see earlier post) and a bowling alley! (And sorry to Papa Rick and Grandma Sheila for it taking me so long to post the bowling video!!! I know I promised it a long time ago!! Better late than never? Thanks again for thinking of Caleb on his birthday!)


The Shirleys said...

Bradley and I have watched the videos of Caleb over and over again. We both agree that he is pretty cool! Great job boweling!

Who knew Chris could sing like that?! He could be the next muppet super star!

JoEllen said...

I didn't know that toy companies would just send you a coupon like that! This is great news!!! Caleb and Chris are terribly talented. They could put a show together and hit the road. Maybe your first stop could be in Vegas?

Rachel said...

Chris looked pretty please with his Elmo act!