Thursday, March 27, 2008

Night Night! and Scary Movie!

So, awhile back, Caleb figured out that if he yells "night night!" to me after I put him to bed and leave the room, that I would yell "night night!!" back. It has sort of evolved into a game where I'll put him to bed and as I'm leaving, I'll open and close his door a few times yelling "night night" in different voices and stuff. He thinks it is hilarious and is excited to go to bed so he can hear it. Hey, whatever works, right?!? Well, then Chris joined in on the fun, evolving it even more, so that now two heads are poking in and yelling "night night!" Except, of course Chris has to add all the theatrics--like hitting his head on the door and getting his arm stuck, etc., which of course Caleb thinks is even more hilarious. Well, then one night, Caleb decided to impersonate us, complete with the theatrics, and we got a good laugh out of it:

Even my poor sister, Kaylyn, had to do it when she was here visiting. So while she was here, there were three heads popping in yelling, "night night!" in lots of different voices. And yes, Kaylyn, Caleb is STILL asking for Nyn to say night night too!

As for the scary movie, well, you'll have to see for yourself. Here is Chris and Caleb's first attempt at a making a scary movie:

Ok, so actually what really happened is that we like to play with remotes. A few months ago we installed some ceiling fans in all the rooms upstairs. When we bought the fans, we didn't realize that an added perk is that they can all be run by remote too. So the remote turns the fan on several different levels and will turn the lights off too. As you can imagine, we've had hours of fun with them. But I thought the story about making a scary movie was more fun. :) And now everyone knows where Caleb gets his scream! :)


JoEllen said...

Oh my gosh! These little videos are so funny. I love the scary movie music, it's perfect! Caleb's bedtime routine gets longer by the minute! You are very entertaining parents!

Rachelle said...

That is seriously so's funny how kids give the true picture of what it is like in the Dial home...looks like you have a little actor on your hands.

Bobbi said...

What a Cutie!! I love that little laugh. You can tell he's a very happy boy!!! A-Dor-A-Ble!!!

The Shirleys said...

Those videos are so cute. I think it is too funny that Caleb was only saying cheese when the lights were off.

I loved the scary movie!

Carolyn Hanson said...

Hey Dials! It's been awhile! It's so great to see what you're up to and see such great footage of your little guy. What a cutie! We'll probably be 'dropping in' now and then to see the latest. We're so glad you 'found' us!

Anonymous said...

Krista, thanks for being the first to comment on my blog...that was cool. This video had me laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants. Thank Goodness I have outgrown Caleb's "take your clothes off and pee on them..." My co-workers had to take a look as well...

Marci said...

Foggy, the night-night video is the cutest ever!