Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Sad Day...

Today while Caleb was "taking a nap" I heard a very loud thump and then Caleb crying. I ran in there to find Caleb laying on his floor. He had fallen out of his crib. I felt so bad for him!! That was sad, but I think he's ok. But the other sad part is that I was really hoping to keep him in his crib until he turns 10. :) He sleeps so much better in a confined space! So now I'm hoping that his fall scared him enough that he won't try it again anytime soon! We shall see!

On a happier note, Caleb has come up with a new recipe for you guys to try:

Yes, that's a peanut butter and jelly and cereal sandwich!

I left the room for just a minute and came back to find him VERY proud of himself.

The results of the first taste test are in:

He even ate most of it! So for those of you with recipe blogs, I'm sure Caleb will let you add it for a small fee! :)


Jamie Smith said...

That's scary about him falling out of the crib. I like knowing what Caleb is doing, because then I can know what to look forward to with Eric in 9 months. I guess I have about 9 more months of him staying in a crib. I'm glad he wasn't hurt. That's always scary and sad when they get hurt!

Hillery said...

PB&J's is one of my all-time favorite foods. I'm glad Caleb found a way to make it even better!

The Shirleys said...

That looks like a great recipe!

Sorry about the fall. We wish you the best of luck trying to keep him contained for naptime!

JoEllen said...

Not only is Caleb incredibly talented in lining things up and in being organized, he is a great chef too! I imagine that sandwich would go for at least 5 dollars a pop here! He is so talented!!