Friday, October 10, 2008

Nature and Nurture

If you're an insect can skip this post. :)

As I've said before...I hate all things creepy, crawly, etc.... So one of my proudest moments as a mom is when I see Caleb grab a shoe and go after a spider or bug that has found it's way into our house. :) Maybe I've gone a little too far though...since I also find him on the front porch and on the back deck with a shoe. I just don't want them in the house!

So anyway...last night I decided that maybe I should try a little harder to help Caleb appreciate nature. Here's why: We were driving home from a high school football game (gotta love Texas for that reason!), there was a nice sunset and suddenly there were tons of birds flying around. I said to Caleb, "Oh look! Do you see all those birds?!?" To which Caleb responds, "Gonna poop on our car!" Hmmm.....

As for nurture, well, I just have to say that Chris is such a good dad. Every day when he comes home from work Caleb is just ecstatic and does a happy dance! Since Chris finished school, they always spend the first 20-30 minutes after Chris gets home doing something together. Like kicking a ball, throwing a ball, playing basketball, reading's their time together. The other day Chris remembered something fun his mom did for them when he was little. He cut a big whole in the side of an empty milk jug and grabbed a big paint brush we used to paint the house. He filled it full of water and took Caleb outside to show him how to "paint" with it. Caleb LOVES it! He has spent hours painting our front porch, sidewalks, driveway, and the whole outside of the house. It's great because as soon as the water dries, it is ready for a new "coat". And I'm up for it for hours too since the weather here is so nice finally! I had not seen this activity before, but I highly recommend it! Here are some pictures of their fun:


THE ORMES said...

I haven't heard of that before, but what a smart idea!!! I will definitely have to try it.

Anyways, hope you're doing well. We need to have a playdate for the kids ;) sometime.

The Shirleys said...

Caleb is too funny! I probably would have worried about the bird poop too. I guess I need to work on that.

The water panting is a great idea. We are going to have to try it sometime.

JoEllen said...

I love the water painting trick! I bet Little Sal would love it. You got some really great pictures of Caleb. His hair is so blonde, blonde, BLONDE!

Rachel said...

What a great idea and a great way to keep him entertained.

Kat Curtis said...

That's so smart - we used to do painting with little paintbrushes when Ben was little, little, but I like the idea of the big brush - that seems like it would last a lot longer. Go Fall weather! Too bad Adam's a mosquito magnet and his bites swell up really big...

Kat Curtis said...

By the way, good luck with the TV thing - it's nice to have shows that are cheap as free!