Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mac Heaven Ever Expanding

Much to the delight of Mac users everywhere, the general populous is now able to participate in video chat via Google's new Video Chat tool. Comparable solutions, such as iChat, required premium memberships to utilize the video chat feature. With Google's free version, you are only required to have a Gmail account and to download a small file to enable this revolutionary communication channel.

Serge, a Google Video Chat engineer located in the Google Sweden office, explains how to use this new tool in a short three minute video (located here).

This tool is compatible with Mac computers and does not require any special set up to work with the camera built in to your Mac. Krista and I downloaded the required 6 MB software on each of our Macs (download), followed the simple instructions, and we were able to have a great face-to-face chat while she was at home and I was in my office (diligently laboring, of course). It also works one way, meaning that if you are on your Mac and want to chat with someone who does not have a Web cam, you can both install the software and the technologically challenged party will still be able to see you. You will only be able to hear the audio portion of their conversation (provided they are at least using a computer with a microphone attached). This sounds a lot like a Mac commercial...hmmm.

I see many possibilities here. I am continually impressed with the innovations I see from both Mac and Google. (i.e. Shazam, Chrome, and the new MacBook.)

See the latest on how Windows compares by clicking here.

1 comment:

Kirby said...

Wow, I'll have to get web cams for our inferior PC's and try out the google video chatt. That sounds fun to call home and see the family while at work. We're thinking about you guys a lot and are excited that you will soon have your baby. Talk to ya later!