Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mr. Mom

Chris was quite the Mr. Mom last week.

Entertaining Caleb
Making meals
General cleaning
Running errands
Posting pictures
Homemade bread (several times!)

He made it look so easy! He really did/does an amazing job and I love him for it!!

However...a few of those tons of kudos earned last week, may have been lost last week too. I've decided that too much of a good thing may indeed be bad. I'm not sure that Chris and Caleb spending a whole week together is the best idea anymore. :) Let me explain.

You know that certain aunt or uncle that likes to teach your kids to say or do "funny" stuff that you wish they wouldn't? And you say...wait until you have kids and I'll get my revenge by teaching your kids to do that? our case...I don't think we need any aunts or uncles to carry that out. We take care of it in house.

I was watching Caleb play with his Geo Air thing (see last post). After a while, he took the pilot out of the plane, hung his arm through the window of the plane and launched the plane only to giggle with delight as the pilot tumbled to the ground when the plane went upside down. Then he put the pilot in his seat, but left the cock pit door open...only to again burst out in laughter as the pilot plummeted to the ground below. So later, mostly in joking, I asked Chris if we should worry about Caleb and described what I saw. He was like, "uh...sorry...I showed him that." Hmmm...

I've also noticed that *someone* has taught Caleb some funny phrases--things about passing gas, or quoting Bill and Ted. And *someone* showed him how funny it is to startle the stray cats passing by in the backyard.

Now, I don't want to go accusing anybody...but.... Let's just say that if you hear Caleb saying or doing some weird stuff...or if he likes to startle your cat...I'm not responsible. You'll have to take it up with Mr. Mom.

Actually...don't tell Chris and Caleb...but I love to see how much fun they have together and watch them erupt in laughter. And maybe I think some of the new phrases Caleb has learned are kind of funny.


Chris said...

"Yes way, Ted" is classic! C'mon! And the cats beats shooting them with a pellet gun. And the pilot - that's just an exercise in endurance. We can't have any wussies piloting our aircraft.

I love having boys! :D

Rachel said...

They trully are sponges! Nolan was hocking a loogie yesterday morning.

THE ORMES said...

Y'all are toooooooo funny!!!! Love it!!

THE ORMES said...
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JoEllen said...

It sounds like Chris really enjoyed his time home with you guys! And who wouldn't! Caleb is totally entertaining. I love to watch the two Sals laugh and play together. Even if Big Sal does teach Little Sal some words/actions I'd rather not have him teach. :) Cute post on Mr. Mom.