Monday, June 1, 2009


Lest you think after my last post that we're not finding some time for fun are some random fun things from last month:

Caleb often decides that he likes to help Carson out with his sense of style. Here is one example I caught on camera:

Carson pretty much said, "I can dig it. I can still eat my blanket...and that's what matters." He really loves to eat his blankets.

Speaking of eating stuff.... Carson turned four months old! Yikes!! He is just soooooo much fun!! He is a rolling madman these days. Rolling from his back to his tummy and back again. He also got to try his first food. The kid is seriously digging this food thing. He absolutely loves it. Chris was feeding him one day and walked away for just a minute. Carson decided to take things into his own hands....

Here is a video of him trying his first rice cereal:

I love how excited Caleb was to cheer him on and help feed him. They really do love each other and I think it is so cute!!!! Since my last post about Caleb's tonsils, the medicine started to make him pretty sick. But he was in too much pain to not take it. He was pretty miserable and puking and stuff. Have I ever mentioned how much I love to clean up puke? Every time it was just after Chris left. Figures. Anyway. Not the point. Even when Caleb was at his sickest, he would go lay down by Carson and just hold his little hand. It was just too cute.

We've been having a bit more rain these days. Really, any rain is a bit more than we've had for a long time. But Chris and Caleb had to go out and enjoy it while Carson and I enjoyed it from the front door:

Hmmmm, could this be related to my last post about being sick? :)


The Shirleys said...

YOur boys are so extremely cute together! I love seeing brothers get a long.

We are glad the Caleb is recovering well. I have heard it is easier for younger children to recover.

I usually do fine with needles unless they are giving them to my kids. Then I have a huge wimp factor too!

JoEllen said...

I love that Caleb says "good job Carson." It is so cute. Your boys seem like super great friends. I hope mine are the same...