Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Funny People

I just love people. Especially ones that make me laugh.

On Saturday, being the big spenders that we are lately, we got out a bunch of change from our piggy bank and rode the bus downtown. Caleb has been asking to ride it again for quite sometime. And oh man. You certainly meet all walks of life when you ride the bus through the ghetto to go downtown. Our favorite was this guy who was talking about how the world is just going crazy and that the human race isn't going to be around much longer. You see...all those alien races are just laughing at us and will soon just take over the earth and.... :) Good to know. I am now a better informed human. And then there was the lady that asked me in all seriousness if my boys were twins. Uh, yeah. Never mind the very obvious size and developmental differences...I really don't think they look that much alike either. Matching shirts does not = twins. But thanks for asking. They really are cute in their matching shirts. Ahhh...the stories I could tell (and the ones I hope Caleb the sponge DOES NOT tell)...from that bus trip from all those interesting people. But I will try to refrain. Probably not appropriate for this here blog. Funny...but not appropriate. And we did have fun riding the bus and hanging out downtown.

While downtown, Carson took his first boat ride:

We tried to wait it out for one of the funnier boat drivers, but finally gave up and went with informative boat driver man.

And then there are our favorite people at the movie theater (also in the ghetto--but yet a different ghetto than Saturday---man we just like the ghetto, huh? What's that song..."in the ghetto..." this is a long parenthesis!) who put up one of our favorite signs:

I just think that is so funny. Sure, bring your toddler to the rated "R" movie--but ONLY before 6pm. What is up with that?

I told this guy in my sunday school class at church that he was "funny." He went around telling everyone that I thought he was funny. What I tried to help him understand is that there are a lot of meanings to being "funny." You know what I mean, right? So that being said.

And then there is funny Carson. I do not mean to put him in the same class of funny as the previously mentioned people. But he is funny in a different way.

We went to a movie the other night and he seriously talked and laughed through the whole thing! And he didn't laugh at the funny parts--just randomly throughout. I didn't feel too bad since it was only $.50 (yes, from our piggy bank. yes we are big spenders) for everyone there. Anyway, Carson is getting to be so funny. He did the same thing at church on Sunday. He has this little laugh that he does randomly every few minutes now--at all the inappropriate times at church. And Chris was conducting a meeting at church and was holding him (since I was a little late letting the class I teach out and we hadn't swapped yet) and apparently Carson just kept trying to talk loudly over him. Funny kid. People will call and ask if that is him in the background talking and laughing. They want to know who he is talking to or laughing at...yeah...I have to tell them that no one else is in the room. Apparently he finds something funny though. I don't know what he thinks is so funny or what he is constantly talking about...but I can't wait to find out!

And I can't leave out the ever funny Caleb.

I can't express to you enough how much he makes me laugh. Everything he says is funny to me. The way he says it is funny too. And his little facial expressions and body language? Just funny. All day every day. Even when I shouldn't think it's funny--I can't help it. I'm a bad parent. I laugh. Hysterically. And I shouldn't. But I just think it's too funny. (If you're dying for examples of funny stuff he says, see "Calebisms" posted on the right hand side of this blog.)

p.s. What on earth (that's not going to be around much longer after we are all destroyed by the laughing aliens) you ask, do those pictures have to do with this post? Absolutely nothing. It goes back to that feeling of wrongness I get when I post something without pictures. You know....


Dr. Mom said...

Ahh, the infamous ball popper. Isn't that a GREAT toy?

The Shirleys said...

You gotta just love people! I was never brave enough to ride the bus around. Look at all the "fun" people I have missed!

JoEllen said...

I saw a sign on a bus once that read "I ride the bus to meet my friends." Now, I'm sure they meant that they ride the bus to meet up with their friends somewhere else, but you could take it as their meeting friends on the actual bus. It sounds like you guys made some great friends that day! :)