Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm slow posting this. Must be my age. :) A couple weekends ago it was my birthday and it was awesome! I felt like I was on an episode of Oprah's Favorite Things, except it was Krista's favorite things!

Things like going shopping at the mall, Chris insisting I take a nice long nap, going to Carrabbas with just Chris (where they have this Fillet Marsala that is pretty much heaven--I'm not sure if I should curse you or thank you Christensen family for introducing us to it!!). Or how about on Sunday when Chris made these awesome crepes for breakfast and the infamous yummy Deonne kabobs for dinner. He also made my favorite dessert, angel pie! (I'm not a huge cake fan.) As I was putting the boys to bed, I thought Chris was working on a couple things for church. He was actually baking a cake. I came downstairs and there were some friends sitting on our couch. I thought, oh cool, they stopped by to say hello! Then the doorbell rang again--more friends. And then again and again and again. Hmmm. I finally caught on. Chris had invited a bunch of people over to celebrate my birthday. I had no idea! He had also asked a bunch of friends and family to write down memories. It was so fun to read over them!! Chris did an awesome job and I really had a good birthday. Thank you to everyone who babysat, wrote down memories, sent cards, called, came by, etc. I really felt spoiled!

And then there is my awesome sister who is the queen of awesome packages! Talk about all my favorite things! One of the things she sent was this electronic game of Press Your Luck. Growing up we were pretty much game show junkies and we LOVED Press Your Luck. Still do. Some of my siblings and I are going to take a trip to California just to go on every game show that we can. It's going to be great. So sometimes when we get together, we "practice" our game shows online. ;) And this was just made easier by such a cool gift. Caleb is also practicing up in hopes of joining the game show marathon:

What do you think Kip D? Will he make the cut? (p.s. My high score is $168,000- higher than yours, right?!? :)

Thank you so much to all of you who helped make my birthday so fun this year!!


JoEllen said...

Caleb cracks me up!! He is a great little game show player. I love his new caleb-isms. They're too funny. "I just like to sing to the trees." Who says that!?

Happy Birthday Krista!!

The Shirleys said...

Do you rent Chris out for birthdays? I am glad you had such a wonderful birthday.

Caleb is so cute!!