Thursday, August 20, 2009

Last Week in Pictures

Last week in pictures:

We heard the Disney Train Tour was in town, so we went downtown to check it out. When we went to park, the parking guy warned us that the air conditioning on the train was broken and that the line just to get on the train was at least two hours. We decided to skip it since Chris had to be back to a church meeting. But since Caleb was SOOOOOO excited to check out the train, we told him we would go check out another train. Just a couple miles away at the zoo. So we took Carson on his first train ride.

Waiting for the train:

With a nice healthy snack. :)

On said train:

Posing by the train:

We are lucky enough to live just a couple blocks from one of Chris's cousins. Most of her family came down for a visit and we were lucky enough to have 5 of these crazies stay with us:

Katrina is the photographer! This one is kind of silly, but she took so many amazing pictures!

We had so much fun getting to know them better and just playing together.

Here is Chris initiating the latest and greatest in idiot losing wear. (Not that I'm calling Chris an idiot. I wouldn't do that. Really. We love to play this game called idiot where the loser gets to wear something fun on their head through the next round. After teaching everyone the game, guess who lost the first round!! Ha! Love it!)

And Carson got to meet Nana (aka his great grandmother) who was also visiting from southern California:

Thanks for including us in your some of your plans! We had a great time!

We've also been back on the home improvement projects bandwagon. We have lots of materials in our garage that we've had for about 3 years and we decided it was time to finish a few of them. Caleb loves to help!!

And an extra special thanks to Gavin who has been helping us out so much and motivating us to do more!!

Next, here is Carson, happy that after a couple posts ago, we got our air conditioner fixed and it only cost $50.

And here is Caleb so happy that we got to meet up with our friends, the Turner Family, at Hard Rock Cafe last weekend.

Unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures. I think they took some, so we may have to convince them to send some that they took with their cute boys and ours. We love the Turners! Thanks for making time for us while you were in town!! And thanks for being so thoughtful! You guys are amazing!!

What's that? No. We're not done yet. I'm the queen of long posts lately!!

Carson has started taking piano lessons:

He seriously loves to pound this thing! Thanks, Grammy! Both boys now love this toy!

As soon as Caleb hears that Carson is awake, he gets all excited and says, "Mom! Listen! Do you hear that?!? Carson's awake! Yeah!!!! Let's go get him!!!" and then races me up the stairs.

As soon as we go into Carson's room, Caleb climbs in his bed and plays with Carson for awhile. I love it too.

Have I mentioned before that Chris has awesome coworkers? Jo Anne was nice enough to invite us out to her farm. Her sheep just had lambs and we had to go check them out. But we had to do a lot more than that too. :) Chris and Caleb took quite the four wheeler ride:

Caleb got to help feed the animals:

And ride the beautiful horse:

They also had 5 border collies. Caleb LOVED the dogs and thought it was so funny when the dogs would jump in the water and get wet.

By the time we left, I had convinced myself that I wanted a border collie. What fun dogs!!

Here Caleb is getting ready to go help herd the sheep:

We did so much stuff that I don't even remember right now what else we did. Suffice it to say we had too much fun! Thanks again, Jo Anne!

Here is Carson saying, "What, mom?!? I'm just sitting here innocently smiling in my awesome Bumbo chair...."

Until you turn around for a second. Then I will get myself out of the chair.

Our days of Bumbo chairs are now over. He gets out in about two seconds flat now. He is ALL over the place now. Nothing is safe on the floor or within a ten foot radius of where you're holding him.

And then there is the next installment of pictures from my Wanna-Be-National-Geographic-Photographer husband:

Remember the pictures he took of skunks in our yard? That possum living under our deck?And that nasty spider? Well, whatever this is gross. I don't even want a picture of it on my camera. Let alone on my deck at night.

And finally there is the always hammy and entertaining Caleb. I came in the room the other day to find this:

Underwear and jeans on his head. Shirt used as pants. Nice. Caleb really does keep us constantly entertained.

Like this:

Lightning McQueen slippers, Veggie Tales Bob hat, red bat, standing on the back of the couch, singing at the top of his lungs. Classic.


Dr. Mom said...

Miss you guys! Thanks for such a cute post - hoping things work out for us to come visit soon. :)

JoEllen said...

That thing on your deck is totally nasty. What is it?

The farm looks like so much fun! A horse ride, herding sheep and lots of dogs? Who doesn't love that!?

Carson is too too too cute!

The Shirleys said...

Border Collies are great dogs. Caleb looks like a natural out there taking care of the farm! What a fun day.