Monday, March 14, 2011

Carson's Two!

Sniff sniff.

I can't believe my baby is two!!

We had a fun day. Carson woke up to his door decorated and presents galore.

He had lots of support in opening those presents! :)

And he blew out those candles like a champ!!

Carson is such a ham these days. And that kid can TALK! He amazes us all the time with his vocabulary. We count 8-9 word sentences all the time. We took him to his 2 year appointment and unfortunately, although he'd been hanging on to the tail end of that weight chart...well, we finally fell off. He's a pretty good eater...just so small. But oh so cute. And snuggly. He is also a champion sleeper! Hurry! Knock on wood!

One thing I love about my Carson--he runs, skips, hops, or jumps his way around everywhere. There is no walking from place to place for him! I seriously giggle every time because he is just so darn cute with his little jumps and runs here and there.

Another thing--it's interesting--there have been several people who have confided in us that they just feel something so special about him. We do to. He is a sweet little guy.

Carson has come a long way in the last year! He went through a very bad case of stranger anxiety for awhile, but is coming out of his shell a lot. He goes to nursery at church like a champ now. Even when we are visiting other wards (or congregations) with Chris.

We love our Carson!!!!

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