Tuesday, October 23, 2007

An Awesome Weekend

This last weekend was so much fun! The weather was perfect, we had lots of time together, and life is just good!

Thursday night we attended a choir concert at Marshall High School. Caleb LOVED it! He was dancing and just really enjoyed the music and the company. It was so cute when he recognized people on stage from church and would point excitedly!

Judy hosted a baby shower for Rachel on Friday night. Rachel is truly one of my favorite people ever and it was so much fun to celebrate the coming baby! We had a great time! We are so unbelievably excited for Jed and Rachel to have their baby! We can't wait!!!

Caleb and Chris had some good quality time together that night too!

Saturday we had a picnic at the park. Chris hadn't been to the park since they had redone it and was way impressed! And of course, with all this fun equipment--

--Caleb's favorite part was still playing in the dirt!

The other reason this park is so much fun for Caleb is that these airplanes fly by every few minutes. He has to stop whatever he's doing and point and squeal when they fly by:

Once again, so much fun!! We were even privileged to have Aubrey come with is! Thanks for coming! You are too much fun!!

Saturday, we also went and picked out a pumpkin. Caleb was all excited! He has a plastic pumpkin he's been taking with him everywhere for the last couple weeks. So he was excited to have a real one and to help pick it out.

Saturday night, Jed and Rachel had us over for some pumpkin carving fun. They also had these cool glow sticks that Caleb is STILL enjoying! Caleb loves Jed and Rachel and Lexi so much! It is so cute! He also loved all the pumpkins--he was very excited and squealing when they were all lit up. Thanks for all the fun, guys!

Sunday we got to celebrate the birthday of one of our other favorite people--Bretta! We had SO much fun with you guys! Thanks again, for letting us celebrate with you and always making us feel like family!

We are looking forward to lots more fun this week with coming Halloween festivities. Here is a preview of Caleb's costume:


The Blaisdell Family said...

So sweet. Caleb is the cutest lion ever!! He has the perfect cute face to fit in that costume.

Looks like you guys have been having a blast with all of your friends!!

Jamie Smith said...

I had fun at the pumpkin party! I hope you were able to see the pictures I posted of it on evite! Y'alls witch pumpkin turned out so good!

The Shirleys said...

Caleb makes such a cute lion! his costume is much cuter that Bradley's. I hope it is cool enough for them to wear them.

Kat Curtis said...

I love Caleb's costume! Very cute!! I'm really impressed with the pumpkins and with Raymond Rimkus - much improved! And congratulations to Rachel! :)